This article provides you with guidelines for letting things go. This is all about releasing all that emotional baggage that is holding you back and making your life miserable. Letting go, of course, is rarely easy. Our emotional attachment to things, memories, people and circumstances are not simple to break. However, these emotional attachments can often prevent us from living the life we deserve. By letting these things go, you allow room for more important things that will bring more happiness and joy to your life. The article delves into what it means to truly let go. It presents you with a plethora of reasons to let go of your past emotional baggage. It guides you on when exactly to let things go. It breaks down all the things you might be holding onto that are making you unhappy. It then walks you through how to let go of all the things that no longer serve you. Working through this article will help you to let go of all the things that are holding you back from experiencing the happiness, joy, and fulfilment you deserve.