Consistency in Action: Is it the Hidden Driver for Success?
This article explores how taking consistent action over an extended period of time is more valuable than short bursts of massive undertaking. Success in any field of endeavor comes down to dedicating yourself to the development of critical habits that will help you attain your desired objectives. And, of course, these habits are built upon the regular actions you take and the activities you partake in over an extended period of time. By developing the habit, you create consistency, and with consistency, you produce your desired results over the long-run. If there was a secret to success — and to generating more luck — then this might very well be it. This article explores what it means to consistently apply yourself to something. It shows you how to develop the habit of consistency. It breaks down how to take consistent action toward a desired goal. And it provides you with suggestions on how to stay consistent over time. This, of course, requires commitment and sacrifice.
Consistency in Action: Is it the Hidden Driver for Success? Read More »