Lifetime Achiever

Do You Succumb to the Victim Mentality Trap? Here’s How to Break Free!

This article explores how to break free from the sense of helplessness you feel when it seems as though the world is conspiring against you. Playing the “victim card” can certainly gain you sympathy and acceptance in other people’s eyes. However, playing the victim also hurts you. It hurts you because you are neglecting to take responsibility for your life, problems, and circumstances. As a result, you will always be at the mercy of others or at the mercy of the endless problems life keeps throwing your way. Isn’t it about time you stood up for yourself and created your life with purpose? This article breaks down the mindset and perspective of someone who chooses to adopt a victim mentality. It highlights key beliefs and behaviors that often lead to a sense of helplessness. It challenges you to think differently about your circumstances. And it concludes by presenting you with a seven-step process you can use to help you overcome these habitual and debilitating thinking patterns that are holding you back from living your best life.

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How to Overcome Self-Doubt to Achieve Your Goals

This article explores how to gain more certainty and confidence when making important choices and decisions in life. Moreover, it will help you overcome the mental barriers that are currently holding you back from achieving your goals. When we struggle with self-doubt we live in a state of confusion. As a result, we end up making emotional decisions that can easily lead us astray. The article outlines how self-doubt evolves over time. It lists down the surprising advantages that self-doubt can provide us with. It then walks you through a nine-step process you can use for overcoming self-doubt and for gaining more confidence and certainty in any situation. The article concludes by presenting you with additional guidelines and suggestions to help put your mind at ease when facing uncertainty. Working through this article will help you become surer of yourself, more decisive and confident when facing situations that would normally make you doubt yourself.

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70+ Ideas for Developing Unstoppable Motivation in Pursuit of Your Goals

This article explores numerous effective techniques, strategies, and tools to help you develop unstoppable motivation. High achievers achieve remarkable goals because they have something that drives them forward. They have an inner drive that propels them forward toward their goals. And that drive comes through the process of motivation. This article is divided into four distinct parts that explore various motivation techniques you can use as you work toward your goals. The first section breaks down motivation guidelines for beginners. Then the three remaining sections explore more involving techniques for finding motivation for those seeking more advanced strategies. Working through this article will help you develop the necessary motivation habits and rituals that will keep you focused and energized as you work toward your goals.

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How to Handle Failed, Unrealistic and Negative Expectations in Optimal Ways

This article explores the power of your expectations and how they shape your life. It’s relatively easy to discount the effect that our expectations have on our lives. The reason for this is that we don’t often consciously think about the kinds of expectations we have in specific situations — which can ultimately hurt us. The wrong kinds of expectations can lead you astray because they influence every choice, decision, and action you take. In fact, your expectations influence your life in remarkable ways. The difference between success and failure in any situation could very well come down to the expectations you hold. You can, therefore, either take conscious control of your expectations or you can allow them to run your life on autopilot. This article explores what expectations are and the impact they have on our lives. The article also walks you through how to handle failed, unrealistic, and negative expectations. It then concludes by showing you when and how to release your expectations and the positive impact this can have on your life. This is especially of value when facing personal challenges or difficult problems.

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Are You Struggling to Tame Your Inner Critic? Here’s How to Set Yourself Free…

The article explores how to tame the inner critic who continuously reminds you of your mistakes, failures, limitations, and inadequacies. If your critical voice is out of control, then it’s undoubtedly influencing every decision you make and action you take. Moreover, it’s holding you back from living your life to the best of your ability. When your critical voice is around you don’t do what you could do to achieve your goals and objectives. You, instead, hold yourself back, which only leads to a life of unfulfilled potential and endless regrets. This article explores where your critical voice comes from. It walks you through a three-step process you can use to subdue your critical voice. And it delves into numerous solutions for taming your inner critic. These ideas will provide you with the leverage you need to control that voice inside your head from taking control of your life.

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Are You Stuck in the Perfectionism Trap? Here’s How to Plan Your Escape!

This article explores various ways to help you overcome the constricting consequences of indulging in the habit of perfectionism. Perfectionism is a very covert way we tend to sabotage ourselves. While indulging in perfectionism we feel as though we’re making progress. However, it’s ultimately nothing more than a smokescreen for our self-sabotaging behavior. This article identifies the disadvantages of indulging in perfectionism. It highlights the typical behaviors that lead to perfectionism. It outlines how we tend to hold onto our perfectionistic behavior and how it evolves over time. The article then presents you with several strategies and guidelines to help you overcome perfectionism in your day to day undertakings. Working through this article will help you develop the necessary traits, mindset, and behaviors required for overcoming your perfectionistic nature.

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How to Develop the Superhero Courage Needed to Achieve a Goal

This article explores how to step outside your comfort zone and risk it all to overcome your fears and achieve your goals. The article provides a very helpful definition of courage that invites introspection. It presents you with ideas on how to prepare your body and mind to undertake courageous acts. It describes how you can strengthen your courage muscle each day in small ways. And concludes by showcasing the types of decisions you should make, the steps you should take, and the behaviors you must cultivate to develop a courageous heart. Working through this article will help you develop the courage you need to overcome your fears and achieve your goals.

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How to Fake it Til You Make it and Find Your Self-Confidence

This article explores how to develop the self-confidence you need to achieve your goals and to overcome your fears and the awkwardness you might feel in social situations. The process involves acting AS IF you already are the person you desire to be. By acting as if you’re already this person you subsequently transform how you think, behave, and talk to yourself within particular social settings and situations. Moreover, this changes the choices and decisions you make and the actions you take. And as your attitude shifts, your results improve and your life takes a dramatic turn for the better. This article walks you through what it means to act as if you’re already confident, successful, courageous, calm, etc. It then breaks down a four-step process you can use to begin faking it with purpose. And it concludes by presenting you with additional guidelines and suggestions for faking it like you mean it.

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What is a Self-Ideal? And Why is it Important to Pursue Your Ideal Self?

This article explores the steps we can follow to reach a state of self-actualization where we pursue the very best of what we are capable of becoming. You have your “current” self and you also have your “ideal” self. Your current self is who you know you are right now. While your ideal self is who see yourself becoming as you move forward into the future. Your ideal-self is the better version of the “self” you experience today. It’s, of course, not a perfect version. It’s not perfect because it’s an ever-changing version of yourself that will always remain somewhat elusive and out of reach. However, pursuing your ideal-self leads to tremendous growth opportunities that can help you become a better version of yourself today. This article breaks down what the self-ideal is all about and what it means to pursue our ideal-self. It then walks you through a four-step process you can use to help you shape your self-ideal intentionally and with purpose. It presents you with several questions for unlocking your ideal-self. It then concludes by walking you through what it means to experience a state of self-actualization. Working this article will help you add new layers to your persona, which will help you become a better version of yourself.

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What Exactly is a Self-Image? Here’s What You Need to Know…

This article explores what it takes to develop an empowering self-image that will help you develop the self-confidence and self-belief you need to achieve your goals. The article defines what a self-image is and its impact on our lives. It breaks down the difference between a healthy and unhealthy self-image. When our self-image is healthy it helps us get the most out of our abilities in every situation. On the other hand, when it is unhealthy, it holds us back from reaching our full potential. The article then takes you through a four-step process for developing an empowered self-image. These steps present you with numerous thought-provoking questions that will give you deep insights into your own psyche and psychological tendencies. The article concludes by providing you with further guidelines and suggestions for strengthening your self-image. Working through this article will help you develop the self-confidence and self-belief you need to live more intentionally and with purpose. You will feel powerful instead of powerless, confident instead of hesitant, and that will make all the difference for your future growth and development as a human being.

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How to Build Self-Worth and Start Believing in Yourself Again

This article explores how to build a higher level of self-worth and start believing in yourself again. Self-worth is, however, often confused with self-esteem. They are certainly related, however, there is a difference. Where self-esteem is derived from sources that are outside of ourselves, self-worth, on the other hand, comes from within, from a sense of personal power. Self-worth is a measure of how you value yourself in spite of your results, in spite of what’s happening around you, and in spite of what others might think or say about you. Therefore, to have self-worth is to have personal power. And with a sense of personal power, anything becomes possible. This article breaks down the key differences between self-worth and self-esteem. It then takes you through a five-step process you can use to help you build your self-worth. Working through this article will help you feel more confident irrespective of what life throws your way. Your self-esteem will, therefore, no longer be at the mercy of your results or of what others say or do. The only thing that will matter is what you think about yourself.

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Practical Ideas for Boosting Your Self-Confidence and Achieving Your Goals

This article explores how to boost your level of self-confidence and enhance your self-esteem. The article breaks down what self-confidence is all about and what it means to feel confident in yourself. It highlights how a lack of self-confidence impacts our life in limiting ways. It provides you with a set of self-analysis questions that explore the goals you might like to achieve when it comes to developing your self-confidence. The article also shows you how your level of self-confidence is a direct result of how you perceive failure, rejection, mistakes, embarrassment, and other debilitating fears. It delves into several suggestions for constructing your self-confidence. And it concludes by breaking down the mindset of a confident person. Working through this article will encourage you to make several important perspective shifts that will help you develop the necessary habits and mindset required for generating more self-confidence.

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How to Succeed and Win at the Game of Life

This article will help you live your life with a renewed sense of purpose and passion. This will ultimately help you make the most of every moment and overcome adversity. The article uses the analogy of life being very much like a game. No longer is life simply “life”. Life now becomes a game — a game that you play; a game that you learn from; a game that you experience and enjoy; and a game that you potentially come to master over time. As with any game, there are guidelines for playing and very specific rules that you must follow. These rules have been set in place to help you. They are there to help you overcome personal challenges and struggles, and ultimately win at the game of life. By following these rules, you improve your chances of success. However, by ignoring these rules, you are setting yourself up for inevitable failure. The article walks you through what it means to succeed at the game of life. It also outlines 10 indispensable rules that we must follow to ensure that we win at the game of life.

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The Complete Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

This article explores how to live with more passion, purpose, and enthusiasm as you work toward the achievement of your goals. The article defines what it means to live with passion. It highlights the benefits of living with passion and the positive impact this can have on your life. It presents you with a set of questions to help you discover and unleash your passions. It walks you through a series of steps for tapping into your passions each day. It concludes by listing down a number of passion traps that are likely to sabotage your progress as you work toward your goals. Working through this article will help you find more passion, enthusiasm, and a zest for living your life with a sense of purpose.

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A Visual Plan on How to Set Your New Year’s Resolutions

This article explores a process of steps that will help you follow-through with your New Year’s Resolutions. Surveys have shown time and again that people who make New Year’s Resolutions rarely achieve them. In fact, one survey indicated that 92 percent of all New Year’s Resolutions are never realized. Why? Because there are just too many “good enough” excuses not to follow through. However, excuses aside, many people simply fail to fully commit to the goals they set for the New Year. And all this comes down to a lack of clarity and understanding about what it truly takes to achieve their desired objectives. This article walks you through the six-steps for setting actionable New Year’s Resolutions. These steps include reflecting on the past year, outlining your desired goal, creating a plan of action, taking action, maintaining consistent action, and following through with your actions until your goal is realized.

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To Achieve Your Goals You Need to Commitment to the Pursuit of Excellence

This article explores how to tap into your competitive spirit. It’s that competitive spirit that will propel you to raise your standards of performance and excel at higher than expected levels. However, pursuing excellence is not necessarily about being the very best. Nor is it about being first at everything you do. It’s rather about being the very best you can be by adding the most value to everything you do. Yes, of course, it’s important to be competitive and strive to get more out of yourself in comparison to others. This is, of course, how most people measure excellence. However, excellence always begins within. It begins internally. It’s a mental game, and once you understand this inner game you can then play it to the highest level and to the best of your ability. This article walks you through the mindset, approaches, habits, and beliefs that build the foundations of excellence.

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How to Work Smarter, Not Harder to Achieve Your Goals

This article explores how to stop being busy, and instead build the habit of working on the most important things that have the greatest impact on your goals. This article has been designed to help you re-prioritize how you think and how you work on day-to-day tasks and activities. What many people get wrong is that they waste too much time on just being busy. Being busy doesn’t mean you’re making progress. You make progress when you make better choices that help you work on the right things, at the right time, for the right amount of time, and for the right reasons. That is the only way to accelerate your results. This article outlines what it means to be genuinely busy. It explores how to prioritize your tasks and activities. It highlights the difference between a task that is important, necessary, and unnecessary. It delves into how to make better choices that will move your goals forward. And it presents you with various guidelines and suggestions for working smarter, not harder.

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How to Critically Assess Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

This article will help you identify your strengths while overcoming the weaknesses that are preventing you from making progress towards the attainment of your goals. The article breaks down a process to help you identify your strengths using a series of questions; takes you through a weaknesses assessment process and helps you identify key skill areas to work on.

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How to Expand Your Comfort Zone to Achieve Your Goals

This article explores how to break free of your comfort zone and achieve your goals. Many people have all these wonderful goals they want to achieve. However, they make very little progress toward these goals because they remain anchored to their comfort zones. Anything and everything that is meaningful that we want to achieve lies beyond our comfort zones. We must, therefore, find the courage to step beyond its boundaries to live the life we desire to live. This article breaks down the make-up of a comfort zone. It explores how we tend to constrict ourselves within our comfort zones. It walks you through a process of how to progressively work on expanding your comfort zone. And it presents you with strategies for pushing the limits of your comfort zone each day. Working through this article will help you to find the courage and motivation you need to progressively expand the boundaries of your comfort zone.

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How to Unlock Your Personal Legend, Find Your Purpose and Discover Your Deepest Passions

This article will help you clarify your mission and vision. Clarity in these two areas will help you unlock your life’s purpose and ultimate destiny. The idea of a Personal Legend came from a book written by Paulo Coelho titled, The Alchemist. The book tells the story of a young boy searching for a deeper meaning to his life. He is ultimately searching for his life’s purpose, which is highlighted in the book as a Personal Legend. The article outlines the purpose of creating an inspiring Personal Legend. It lists down several questions that will help you get very clear about your Personal Legend. It walks you through a series of exercises for unlocking your Personal Legend. It concludes with a break down on how to align your Personal Legend with other aspects of your life. Reading through this article will help you gain the necessary clarity needed to make more optimal choices as you work toward the attainment of your Personal Legend.

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