Lifetime Achiever

Is it Better to be an Optimist or Pessimist? Here are the Facts…

This article explores the difference between an optimist and pessimist mentality. Specifically, it looks at how these two types of mindsets approach life and go about their day. This ultimately comes down to the perspectives they adopt and the decisions they make based on those perspectives. The article is divided into two parts. One part describes the optimist’s world and the other the pessimist’s world. Each of these sections explores the perspectives, habits, traits, characteristics, behaviors and ultimately the mindset of an optimist and pessimist. The article breaks down how an optimist and pessimist work through problems and setbacks that are preventing them from attaining their goals. Working through this article will help you to better understand the differences between these two mindset types. You can then freely choose what type of mindset you would like to adopt in each given situation as you pursue your goals.

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Life is an Experiment: Improving Life Through Experimentation

This article explores how to take a more experimental and practical approach to life, to solving problems, to overcoming adversity, and to achieving your goals. The article breaks down how to take a scientific approach to living your life. This is, of course, all about experimentation. It’s about adopting key scientific habits and learning how to ask experimental questions that can move your life forward in optimal ways. You will learn how simple life experiments can make life more fun, rewarding, and fulfilling. The article breaks down what it means to approach life as a scientist. It highlights key scientific habits to adopt. It outlines essential experimental questions you should be asking yourself that will lead to deeper insights and understandings. And it guides you through the process of trial and error. Working through this article will help you to work through your personal struggles and problems in a fun experimental way that will lead to deeper insights, understandings and greater opportunities for progress.

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MasterMind Matrix 3.0 – An In-Depth Walk Through

MasterMind Matrix 3.0 is finally here and this is the biggest update to date that sees a complete overhaul of some sections. Yes, the structure of the chart is pretty much the same as it was in version 2.0, however the content has changed or been updated across the entire surface area of the chart. The purpose of the 3.0 release was to simplify the map, to eliminate complex terms and jargon that was difficult to understand, to improve the look and feel of the map and graphics, and to integrate all 400+ IQ Matrix maps into the framework of the chart. And I’m hopeful that to a certain extent that has been achieved.

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Helpful Ideas for Starting Over Again When Adversity Strikes

This article explores what it takes to begin again and start over after a failure, mistake, rejection or any kind of setback that derails your efforts. It’s particularly helpful when working through periods of change and transition in your life. Starting over is, of course, never easy. To start over means letting go of certain things that could potentially hold you back and opening yourself up to a different set of possibilities and opportunities for growth, development, and change. However, in order to recognize these things, we must be willing to shift how we think about our life and circumstances. Without this shift taking place, it will be difficult to move forward in a new direction and start over again. This article defines what it means to start over again. It breaks down the mindset you will need to cultivate. It presents you with a checklist of things to do that will help you stay on track. And it walks you through a six-step process you can use to help you transition from one chapter of your life to another.

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Why Becoming a Lifelong Learner is No Longer an Option

This article outlines how a commitment to lifelong learning will give you the edge you need to achieve your life’s goals and objectives. The article explores the idea of constant and never-ending improvement and the value it can bring to your life. It breaks down the fundamental universal laws of lifelong learning and the benefits of following them. It highlights the skills, mindset, and behaviors you will need to adopt to become a lifelong learner. And concludes by presenting you with a series of guidelines and questions to help you make lifelong learning a transforming daily practice.

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How to Build an Empowered Morning Routine

This article explores how developing an empowering morning ritual can positively impact your life and improve your chances of success. Time and again high achievers are asked what are their keys to success. And at the core of what makes these people successful, we often find comes down to the consistent habits and rituals they partake in. This is what makes all the difference. High achievers do very specific things before work, during their workday, and after work that helps them optimize their results. And what you will find is that these high achievers almost always have an empowering morning ritual that gets their day started on the right track. This article outlines the value of developing a morning ritual. It then breaks down six empowering morning rituals you can use that will put you in the right frame of mind to work more productively throughout the day. These rituals include meditation, learning, exercise, journaling, visualization, and affirmations. Put these rituals into practice to improve your results as you work toward your goals.

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Here’s How to Build Empowering Daily Rituals that Fuel Your Goals

This article explores the little things you can do each day that will help improve your output and results. It is, after all, very often the little things that make the most difference. Have a think about all the small actions you take and the seemingly insignificant decisions you make throughout the day. What if these things were not as insignificant as they seem? What if these things were pulling you away from the life you would like to live? And what if you could make small tweaks that could help enhance your life in immeasurable ways? All this is possible as long as you are willing to adopt several new empowering rituals. This article takes you through an assessment of your daily rituals. It then walks you through empowering rituals you can adopt in the morning, during your workday, and in the evening. It concludes with a break down of rituals that high achievers often partake in. Adopting these rituals into your life will help keep you motivated, focused, and on track as you work toward your goals.

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Is there Any Value in Living with Gratitude? Does it Really Make a Difference?

This article explores how to live life with more gratitude and appreciation. Living with gratitude will not only make you feel better about yourself, it will also help put things into perspective. No longer will you be focused on all the things you don’t have or on all the things that are going wrong. You will, instead, come to appreciate what you have and the value you can bring to the world. Gratitude is one of those rarely discussed habits of mind that lie at the core of all long-term success and achievement. This article explores what it means to live with gratitude and how it can help shift your perspective about your life and circumstances. It describes the differences between a person who lives with gratitude and a person who constantly criticizes and complains. It then walks you through how to be more grateful. And concludes by providing you various reasons why you should be more grateful starting today.

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How to Improve Mental Focus to Help You Achieve Your Goals

This article explores how to develop your ability to focus more effectively on your goals, tasks, and routines. As you improve your mental focus, this will naturally enhance your output and productivity throughout the day. This article identifies various ways to improve your mental focus as it relates to setting and achieving your goals. It outlines a six-step process you can use to stay focused on your highest priority activities throughout the day. It explores your environment and how to modify it to improve your focus and concentration. It delves into daily and weekly routines and how to improve them to stay focused for longer. And the article concludes by breaking down the mindset we must cultivate to become more focused and driven as we work toward our goals. Working through this article will significantly help improve your ability to focus while working on tasks and activities.

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Consistency in Action: Is it the Hidden Driver for Success?

This article explores how taking consistent action over an extended period of time is more valuable than short bursts of massive undertaking. Success in any field of endeavor comes down to dedicating yourself to the development of critical habits that will help you attain your desired objectives. And, of course, these habits are built upon the regular actions you take and the activities you partake in over an extended period of time. By developing the habit, you create consistency, and with consistency, you produce your desired results over the long-run. If there was a secret to success — and to generating more luck — then this might very well be it. This article explores what it means to consistently apply yourself to something. It shows you how to develop the habit of consistency. It breaks down how to take consistent action toward a desired goal. And it provides you with suggestions on how to stay consistent over time. This, of course, requires commitment and sacrifice.

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When Problems Arise, Here’s Why You Need to Take Full Responsibility

This article explores the value of taking full responsibility for your life’s choices, decisions, and actions. Whether something is your fault or not, it’s always helpful to take responsibility. That way you always have options and some semblance of control over what will happen next. However, typically, most people will often choose to shy away from taking responsibility. They will instead end up making excuses, complaining and/or blaming people and circumstances for their problems and predicament. This literally saps their personal power and leaves them in a very vulnerable state where they feel powerless and helpless and unable to control their fate. On the other hand, when we accept full responsibility, this naturally empowers us to take positive and proactive action toward our desired aims. This article breaks down what it means to take responsibility for your life. It explores how to start taking responsibility for everything that happens to you. It goes through the requirements for taking responsibility. And walks you through a five-step process to help you develop the habit of taking responsibility.

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Quit Complaining and do Something Positive to Improve the Situation

This article explores how to stop complaining and start taking responsibility for your life and circumstances. When things don’t pan out as expected it’s easy to throw our hands up in the air and complain about what did or didn’t happen. Complaining gives us a sense of control. However, that control is fleeting as complaining often doesn’t solve our problem or help push things forward. This article examines how we tend to complain and the kinds of complaints that people typically make. It presents you with a set of self-analysis questions to help track your complaints. It breaks down the reasons why you tend to complain. It highlights the consequences of complaining and the impact it has on your life and other people. The article then provides you with a list of suggestions on how to get out of the habit of complaining and start taking responsibility for your life and circumstances. Working through this article will help you develop the mindset and skills that will eradicate this habit from your life.

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Here’s Why You Need to Take Massive Action to Achieve Your Goals

This article explores the effort and work it takes to achieve a goal. Many people have big goals and aspirations. However, most people never achieve their goals because of a lack of action. It’s not talent, knowledge or skill that will help you achieve your goals. It’s rather how much effort and energy you’re willing to put in each day into accomplishing your goals. The more effort you put in, the more you will accomplish, learn, grow and experience. And, as a result, the more luck you are likely to generate in the pursuit of your goals. Doing what the average person does will create average results. You must begin doing more — much more than you ever thought was possible. Only in this way will your goals be realized. This article walks you through the requirements for taking massive action. It breaks down a six-step process for taking massive action toward a goal. It explores the mindset of high achievement. And it provides you with additional guidelines for taking massive action as you work toward the attainment of your goals.

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Here’s Why You Should Stop Waiting for Inspiration and Start Acting on it!

This article explores how to find the inspiration you need to take positive action working toward your goals. While this article is about inspiration, it’s important not to get lost trying to find endless sources of inspiration. Sometimes we want to find inspiration so badly that we forget that inspiration often results from action. When you take purposeful action, that is when you gain the necessary insight you need to realize a breakthrough. Inspiration is, therefore, only one part of the puzzle, and probably not the most important part. This article walks you through what it takes to find inspiration. It breaks down a five-step process for finding inspiration. And concludes by presenting you with further guidelines and suggestions to help you move from a state of inspiration to inspired action.

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The Complete Guide on How to Develop Focused Self-Discipline

This article explores how to cultivate the mindset, habits, and behaviors that are required to develop focused self-discipline. Self-discipline is at the core of any successful endeavor. Those who are able to discipline themselves to the pursuit of their goals are far more effective and productive. Moreover, they achieve their goals faster than people who lose focus or get sidetracked along the way. This article provides a comprehensive definition of self-discipline. It outlines the various building blocks of self-discipline. It walks you through a six-step process for developing self-discipline as you work toward your goals and objectives. It highlights ideas to help you strengthen your self-discipline. And concludes by breaking down how to exercise self-discipline when facing adversity. As you read through this article you will come to understand what it takes to achieve your goals using focused self-discipline.

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Here’s Exactly What to do When Facing Adversity

This article explores the steps we need to take to successfully overcome the problems and setbacks that life often throws our way. This article is loosely based on the best selling book The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday. It’s designed to help shift how you think about life’s toughest challenges in a positive and proactive way. In many instances, it’s not so much about the kind of adversity we face, but rather about the story we tell ourselves about these challenges. Ultimately, it’s about how we respond to adversity that determines our fate. The article explores how to approach the inevitable and unexpected problems that life often throws our way. This requires shifting our perspective in regard to how we think about adversity. Moreover, it’s about identifying key opportunities that can help us make the most of our difficulties. The article then walks you through how to work your way through your problems in a structured and methodical way. Reading through this article will help you see adversity in a new and positive light. No longer will setbacks and problems phase you. You will rather meet these challenges with a renewed sense of confidence and energy.

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Are You Actually Resourceful Enough to Achieve Your Goals?

This article explores how to work through any problem successfully by tapping into your inner reservoir of resources. However, this is more than just about making the most of your skills and abilities. This is also about adapting to your situation and using your creativity and ingenuity to create something out of nothing. The objective is to create something that will help you move forward in optimal ways. Furthermore, being resourceful is about taking the initiative to improve your life and circumstances regardless of the challenges you face. This article outlines what it means to be resourceful. It breaks down two types of resources that you have at your disposal. It walks you through how to handle unexpected problems in a resourceful way. And concludes by presenting you with further guidelines for developing a resourceful mindset. Reading through this article will help you think about your problems with a fresh perspective.

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Here is an Effective Method for Solving Your Life Problems

This article provides you with a blueprint you can use to solve the array of problems that life throws your way. The article walks you through the various meanings and perspectives of our life’s problems and how to benefit from them. It outlines the requirements for solving problems in optimal ways. And presents you with a series of guidelines you can use to work through day-to-day problems far more effectively and smoothly. This article will help you develop the necessary habits of mind you need to ease stress, anxiety and worry that many people face when trying to solve problems.

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How Developing Patience Can Help You Become More Successful

This article explores the quality of patience and how it can be utilized effectively to help transform your life and open doors of opportunity to succeed in any field of endeavor. The article identifies the benefits of patience. It outlines how to begin cultivating patience each day. It then breaks down a five-step process you can use to help you overcome impatience.

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Breaking Down the Five-Step Goal Setting Process

This article explores step-by-step how to set effective goals that will keep you motivated, focused, and inspired throughout the day. The article walks you through a five-step process for setting goals. These steps include defining your goal, finding congruence, conducting an ecology check, developing a blueprint, and drawing up a plan of action. The article also breaks down how to find the motivation you need to achieve your goals and how to build momentum in pursuit of your goals.

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