You don’t understand anything until you learn it more than one way. – Marvin Minsky
Unlocking the True Meaning of Intelligence
Our DNA proves that we are very much like every other human on earth. In fact, we are very much like many species on the planet. But does this really make us the same?
Throughout our lives, we have been influenced by people, life and unique experiences that have given us a fresh perspective of the world. Consequently, these experiences have shaped how we think, talk and behave. They have also shaped our beliefs and values, and as a result have indirectly transformed our daily habits, emotions, and actions. That in itself makes us very unique indeed. In fact, it goes to show that these experiences have also helped us develop personal strengths, talents, skills, and abilities when it comes to learning new information.
For hundreds of years, the western world’s approach to learning has always encouraged and measured our intelligence logically and linguistically. These two types of intelligences are highly respected and admired within the academic realm. In fact, a very large proportion of all IQ examinations focus and measure only these two intelligences.
Those lucky enough to have grown up within an environment that encouraged this type of learning, have been fortunate because the majority of subjects and examinations continuously test only the above two mentioned intelligences. However, others haven’t been so lucky and have typically struggled academically.
It is easy to make the conclusion that those who struggle academically within our current system are simply less intelligent than the rest. This is as far removed from reality as you can get. The truth is that these types of people simply focus their body and mind in different ways, they approach the task of learning from a differing perspective, and they gain insights from their studies using unorthodox strategies.
Even though Albert Einstein is typically known for his logical reasoning ability, what many probably don’t realize is that he consistently utilized other intelligences that helped him make his biggest breakthroughs. The same is true of inventors Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison who also typically utilized a variety of intelligences that helped them bring their ideas into reality.
Within this post, we will discuss the seven intelligences for accelerated learning, which were first conceptualized by psychologist Howard Gardner.
As you work through this post, take time to identify which of the seven intelligences feel most natural and complementary to the way you think and learn new information. These will be your primary methods of learning that naturally align with your strengths, skills, and abilities. However, to develop your full potential as an accelerated learner, you must also work on developing the other intelligences that will typically help expand your perspective and understanding of the information you are learning.
Finally, keep in mind that it’s never about the information you are learning, but rather it’s all about your approach to learning.
Mastering Mathematical-Logical Intelligence
Mathematical Logical Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence within academic circles. Scientists, engineers, computer programmers, accountants, and mathematicians dominate this area and help to advance our world by making new breakthrough discoveries — providing us with new technologies that enhance our lives.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Mathematical-Logical Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy science, creating systems, budgeting, estimating, identifying patterns, mathematics, logical thinking, managing, and planning time, solving problems or calculating scores.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Create Sequences
This involves creating a linear map of the subject you are studying that clearly aligns topics within a specific sequential order.
Make sure to label topics with numerals or numbers to further highlight the order and potential relative importance of the topics you have listed.
You are essentially creating a timeline of events that are easily recognizable within the scope of the topic you are learning. Leave gaps between the sequence in order to add further topics as you come across them throughout your reading and research.
Identify and Analyze Information
Here you are essentially taking important chunks out of the information you are learning and putting them aside for further in-depth analysis. This much like a scientist would do when studying a microbe under a microscope.
The information that you pull aside must be critical to your understanding of the overall topic under study. This information must essentially be the key topics that lay down the foundational principles of the entire subject area.
By thoroughly taking the time to identify and then analyze this information, you will have the upper hand in gaining a deeper insight and understanding into the topic area.
Actually, pretend as though you are a scientist studying a breakthrough piece of information that could effectively transform the world for the better. Within this role-playing mode, undergo standard scientific studies (use your imagination) to thoroughly examine and piece together all the information you need to expand your own thinking and awareness about this topic.
Utilize Charts and Graphs
Take the information you are learning and turn it into a creative chart that will further help you to understand and comprehend the study material.
Make your charts visually appealing and colorful. The more meaning they have the greater lasting impact they will leave in your mind.
Take time to visit your local library, or just browse the internet and look at a variety of creative chart examples and designs. Once you have a clear picture of the possibilities, you are finally ready to begin charting your topic.
Information which has numbers, digits, ordered lists, and other related information can be designed into a memorable chart that will stand out in your mind. You may even be quite surprised at the concepts you will be able to represent within a chart format. In fact, your only limitation is your imagination.
As you are reading and researching your material, visualize everything as a developing chart, and when you are ready, turn this image into physical form on paper.
Utilize Equations
Equations are wonderful things that will piece together concepts and ideas in ways that you might not have imagined were possible.
When considering equations, expand the possibilities by thinking outside the box. Do equations just have to be comprised of numbers and individual letters? Or can you put words, phrases, concepts, and ideas into a large and expansive equation that will help you to fully grasp a thorough and complete understanding of the topic you are studying?
If you must, incorporate numbers into this topic equation if it will further help you to make sense of the information you are studying. In fact, imagine yourself as Albert Einstein working within his thinking room and drawing up an expansive equation on the board about this subject area. He is on the verge of making an incredible breakthrough that will revolutionize how we think and understand the subject you are studying.
Your imagination is your only limitation.
Mastering Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence within the teaching world. Teachers, authors, academics, bloggers, and philosophers dominate this area and help to advance our world by entertaining and expanding our thinking about issues relevant to our world.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy writing, speaking, literature, language, form filling, crosswords, letter writing, reading books, poetry, stories, teaching others, or giving instructions.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Verbalize Information
As you are learning, it is important to verbalize the information you are studying aloud to yourself. This could involve reading and speaking the information back to yourself in an interesting and stimulating manner.
Try to avoid using a monotone boring voice that puts people to sleep. Instead, add a little drama and feeling to your voice as you read your notes or textbook.
For example, take yourself into the world of Springfield and role-play one or more of the Simpson’s characters reading this material. Put yourself fully into that role and verbalize the information you are reading using your best Bart or Homer Simpson voice.
If the above strategy doesn’t make you feel comfortable, then simply use a more inspiring and verbally resonating voice that will emotionally touch the hearts of would-be listeners. Any voice that is not your own will have a lasting impact on your long-term memory.
Brainstorm Ideas on Paper
Don’t just simply brainstorm ideas on paper, actually verbalize and talk to yourself as you are brainstorming these ideas.
You can either verbalize the exact words that you are writing down, or you can put yourself into a role of talking and documenting the words you are writing down from a third person’s perspective.
Just brainstorming ideas on paper is great for a visual learner. However, for a verbal learner, you must make a little more effort to take that information and bring it into your long-term memory.
Brainstorm Questions on Paper
In the same fashion as was discussed above, spend some time brainstorming questions about your subject or topic on paper. Again, verbalize what you are writing down or simply discuss your questions aloud in an interesting and memorable tone of voice.
The questions you should effectively be writing down on paper must help you to expand your knowledge and understanding of the topic. Simply write down questions that naturally lead to further questions that will provide you with greater insights and understandings about the topics you are studying.
The more questions you write about a subject the greater sense of motivation and inspiration you will develop as you progress through your study materials.
Remember, if you don’t ask the right question, you will simply fail to find the right answers.
Paraphrase in Own Words
Reading for the sake of reading is not very memorable, and doesn’t leave a lasting impression on your long-term memory. Instead, try quickly overviewing a page of the book or topic you are reading by taking a look at the main points, ideas, keywords and important segments.
Once you have a reasonable understanding of the subject material of that page, simply put the book aside, and paraphrase what you just learned in your own unique words. You will find that this method will leave a lasting impression on your long-term memory.
Another suggestion is to digitally record the information you are paraphrasing so that you can listen back to it at a later time.
Digitally Record Notes and Lectures
Save time, energy and effort by digitally recording your lectures and notes.
Recording your lectures is obviously very important as it allows you to better concentrate on the topics presented in the lecture, rather than frantically writing out notes while your lecturer is talking.
Once your lectures have been recorded you can later listen back to them in your own time while you prepare your own notes.
When your notes have been compiled, simply paraphrase them into your digital recorder. Now, in your spare moments when you are taking a shower, brushing your teeth, cooking food, eating, or even nodding off to sleep, simply play back your notes to further enhance your long-term memory and recall of the information you are studying.
Mastering Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Visual-Spatial Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence within the creative architectural and design-oriented world. Architects, designers, artists and television directors dominate this area and help to expand our creative outlook on life in unique and unimaginable ways.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Visual-Spatial Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy art, navigation, visualization, map reading, self-assembly, thinking strategically, being observant, using charts and diagrams.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Imagine Writing a Book
Yes that’s right, you have been assigned the responsibility to write a new book on the subject you are studying. As a result, you will have to approach this subject from a completely new and possibly unfamiliar perspective.
Because you are writing a book you will need to thoroughly research your facts, background information and other materials that will build upon the foundational principles of this material. Immediately you must think about the possibilities of including chapters, headings, graphics, maps, charts, pictures, and other visual diagrams that will help readers of this book better remember the message you are trying to get across to them.
Reflect on the structure of the book and how you should best present this information so that it is easy to understand and comprehend.
Could this potentially be as big as the Harry Potter novel craze? Well, it’s all up to you and your imagination.
Approach the subject from an author’s perspective and you may well be on your way to riches and stardom. 😉 Oh, but the way, it’s actually also a great method of enhancing your knowledge and understanding of the subject area you are studying. 🙂
Imagine Giving a Lecture
Take the material you are studying and visualize in your mind that you are preparing it for a lecture or presentation that you will be giving to a worldwide television audience. Actually, take time to prepare the topic in such a way that will focus you on presenting this material to other people in a unique and creative way that will help them to remember and recall this information with the greatest of ease.
Think about the process, diagrams, charts, visuals, and other materials you will use to present this lecture.
Simply close your eyes and envision yourself standing in front of a worldwide audience of millions presenting this information in a way that it has never been done before. Once you have the picture vividly instilled within your mind, go to work and create your presentation.
Gather Insights through Questioning
For visually inclined people, questions are a great tool that will naturally enhance and accelerate your learning potential. However, when it comes to visual intelligence, you must first take time to write out questions and gather insights about the material, and then follow this up with a reflective period where you sit, close your eyes and gather further introspective understandings through the use of your imagination.
Gather Insights from People
Approach other people and ask them for visual insights and understandings that they have gathered about the topic. As they talk to you, sketch out their ideas and insights on paper and ask them to further expand on your sketch.
By sketching, I don’t necessarily mean drawing cartoon figures (although you may be quite surprised how effective this technique can be), instead I mean sketching out symbols, graphs, diagrams, pictures, maps, words, and other things that come to mind while you are listening to them.
This is a very creative process that may take a little time to master, however it will be well worth your efforts. The worst thing you could do is to just aimlessly listen to someone talk about a topic without collating their ideas on paper in a visual and mentally memorable format.
Create a Mind Map
Have you considered creating a mind map?
Create a Mental TV Documentary
Guess what? You have been asked by the BBC Network to create a documentary about the subject you are studying. You are free to do it how you please, however, it must be in accordance with a few specific guidelines.
First of all, you must present it within the standard documentary format that the BBC uses for all its productions.
Secondly, David Attenborough has requested that he wishes to be the narrator. I suppose that was expected. 😉
Thirdly, you must stick to the 20 million dollar budget that has been assigned to your project.
Yes, I realize that the BBC is being very difficult, however, I am sure you can utilize this as a wonderful opportunity to expand your own creativity in unique and unimagined ways.
In all seriousness, please do not take this documentary study tool lightly, it could very well be the catalyst that locks the information you are attempting to learn better than any other suggestion presented within this visual intelligence section.
This, of course, doesn’t mean that you should pull out your digital camera and equipment and begin shooting film clips of wild animals in your backyard. It does, however, mean, that you should approach your learning about this topic in a way that will make your brain think that you are creating a big budget documentary series that will take the world by storm.
Try it. You may be surprised with the results.
Create a Visual Learning Poster
A visual learning poster/infographic is in some ways like an IQ Matrix, however, it essentially has no rigid rules. Basically, your imagination is your only limitation.
Think about your visual learning poster as an artistic canvas that you will be creating about your subject matter. Actually go out and find the largest piece of paper that you can get your hands on at your local office supply store (or combine small bits of paper by sticking them together). Now take this piece of paper and spread it out on your bedroom floor.
Gather up all the tools you need including pens, color pencils, scissors, magazines, all your study books, glue, glitter, paint, and any other textiles or materials you can find, and begin creating an artistic wonder that will rival anything painted by Leonardo da Vinci himself. 😉
The key here is to add a variety of pictures, symbols, colors, images, and other visual ideas to this poster as you are working on your subject materials. How this visual learning poster expands and what in the world it becomes, is not important. It’s your creativity that will make a lasting impact and impression on your long-term memory.
This task might seem very much over-the-top and quite time-consuming. However, the extraordinary impact that it could have on accelerating your learning potential should not be discounted.
When you have completed the visual learning poster you can hang it up on your ceiling and continue to study the topic as you lie in bed. 😉
Try it, and you may be quite surprised with the results.
Create Extended Connections
This is all about creating visual connections between interconnecting bits of information within the topic area you are studying. This process can be undertaken on paper, by scribbling lines connecting topics and information within your textbook, by utilizing symbols to segregate different concepts and ideas, or simply by using colors to identify related fragments of information.
They key here is related to chunking key components together in a way that will help you to better understand and recall the information you are learning.
It is much like the process of knowing how to read words. We read words as a whole and not by verbalizing individual letters. However, when we were kids — still learning how to read — we were taught to verbalize each letter separately. As adults, we have learned to chunk the individual letters into words, which improves our proficiency and speed of reading.
As a final thought, it is also important to create strong connections between the material you are familiar with and the material you are currently learning about. You can do this by using metaphors, personal experiences, and other strategies.
Mastering Bodily Physical Intelligence
Bodily Physical Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence when it comes to physical ability, proficiency, and skill. Plumbers, chefs, surgeons, actors, handymen, personal trainers, and athletes dominate this area and help to advance our world by keeping us entertained, and by providing essential maintenance services that make all our lives much easier.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Bodily Physical Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy sports, games, dancing, cooking, decorating, using your hands, DIY, and getting physically involved in the tasks at hand.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Physically Write on Paper
When it comes to Bodily Physical Intelligence, the key is to spend as much time physically undertaking tasks and activities that will move the body and stimulate the mind.
Writing on paper is one of these methods that work very well to naturally expand this intelligence. However, be creative and use your imagination.
Act as if Role Playing Topic
Okay, congratulations once again. You have been awarded the leading role in a new Stephen Spielberg movie alongside Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. This could be your big break. However, not only do you play the leading role, Stephen Spielberg has actually requested that you write the script for the movie. The only guideline that he gave, was that this movie has to be about the topic you are currently studying and that it must be an absolute blockbuster, otherwise, his reputation is on the line. 😉
Now get to work and create the script of your life. In all seriousness, this is a very effective means of assimilating the key components of the topic you are studying into your long-term memory.
First, you must prepare a written script for the topic you are studying. In fact, it is even your responsibility to assign different actors to act out the scenes with you. However, like Eddie Murphy in “Coming to America”, Stephen Spielberg has requested that you role play all the other minor characters. In fact, I just got a text message from Stephen saying that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been removed from the script as their acting was somewhat sub-par. I guess it looks as though you are the only star of the movie playing a multitude of roles. 😉
Once you have laid out your study materials, simply begin be physically standing in front of a mirror and acting out every word with intense emotion, perfect annunciation (it actually doesn’t matter whether or not it’s perfect), with heart and pure passion that would make William Shakespeare proud.
This is probably one of the most entertaining and fun study strategies on the list that has a long-lasting impact on your memory. You might even find it helpful to record yourself on a digital camera and later post it on YouTube for all to see. Wouldn’t that be something? 😉
Have fun with it.
Act as if Teaching Topic
Once you have prepared your notes about the topic, simply stand up and pretend as though you are teaching this material to a group of students who have relatively no experience or understanding of this subject.
When you have concluded your lecture, prepare for question time. Imagine sitting down with your audience and asking yourself questions about the topic and then immediately standing (switching roles) and answering these tough questions to the best of your ability.
This is an absolutely profound way of learning that will naturally open new insights and understandings about the topic you are studying.
The next step is to actually teach real people about the topic and likewise prepare yourself for their tough questions.
Utilize Index Cards
Physically prepare your main points and ideas on colored index cards that you can carry around with you wherever you go.
Throughout your day when you have nothing else to do but stand around and wait for something to happen, simply return to your studies by taking your index cards out of your pocket.
As a general guideline, make sure that your index cards are colored and that you segregate different topics or chapters and assign them to alternating colors. Make sure to also utilize symbols, pictures, graphics, diagrams, different colored pens and other memory enhancing materials that will sharpen your brain.
Finally, you may find it helpful to write out questions on one side of this index card and present the answers to these questions on the other side of the index card.
This is no doubt a great time-saving device that is very effective for learning on-the-go.
Move Body While Learning
Yes, I actually mean move your body while you’re learning.
Some people find it very helpful to physically move around while they are listening to information or reading notes from a book.
If you are the type of person who gets restless very quickly, can’t sit still for more than five minutes or loses focus listening to someone after a few moments, then this is definitely something that you should try.
This process simply involves walking around your bedroom as you read your notes.
As a final thought, try and walk in a specific pattern, this will help you to zone-out all outside distractions and focus in on the material you are learning.
This is no doubt one of the easiest, yet somehow, one of the most effective strategies that will accelerate your learning potential.
Mastering Interpersonal Social Intelligence
Interpersonal Social Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence within the business community. Managers, salesmen, public speakers, politicians, lawyers, and therapists dominate this area and help to advance our world through the process of building strong emotional connections with other people that lead to economic decisions that expand our way of life.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Interpersonal Social Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy listening, mediating, persuading, negotiating, communicating, problem-solving, teaching, coaching, training, or helping others.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Study Background Information
If you are a social learner then you have a clear fascination with people and their areas of interest.
By expanding your awareness and understanding of people and the background information behind the subject matter will help you to develop a higher level of motivation to continue learning the subject, which will further expand your knowledge of the topic area you are studying.
Take time to read the author’s biography, or take a few moments to research the background of the topic. This background information could very well lay down important foundations that will assist you with memorizing the topic far more easily.
This research could also provide you with new insights and ideas on how to best go about learning the topic in a unique and creative way.
Hold Discussions with Others
Because you are a very people-centered person, it is understandable that you will learn best by discussing your ideas, insights, feelings, and understandings about the topic you are studying with other people. In fact, these discussions will help you to create new connections and associations within your brain that further enhance your understanding of each topic area.
Finally, a very effective method that will help you to accelerate your learning potential (that I missed putting onto the IQ Matrix, SORRY!) is debating the topic you are learning.
Simply, divide the topic into two contradictory perspectives. Once this has been clearly laid out, choose a side and collect resources, evidence and other materials that will help you to back up your argument. Again, utilize graphics, visuals, auditory presentations and other tools that will best represent the ideas you are arguing for. This is a great deal of fun, and it is absolutely amazing how quickly we learn when we choose a side and do whatever it takes to justify our arguments.
Once you have finished the debate, switch sides and present your argument from another perspective against a new opponent.
Mastering Intrapersonal Mindset Intelligence
Intrapersonal Mindset Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence in the thinking world. Inventors, entrepreneurs, psychologists and life coaches dominate this area and help to advance our world through deep reflection and insight that helps expand how we think about life, society, the environment and ourselves.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Intrapersonal Mindset Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy self-talk, visualizing, goal setting, being independent, daydreaming, following your intuition, journaling, solitude, personal analysis, reflection, and self-assessment.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Effective Questioning
The key here is knowing how to ask the right questions.
Spend time preparing a list of questions that will help you to gather a deep reflective insight about the topic you are studying.
These questions must also expand your understanding and awareness of your personal feelings and motivations that are influencing your decisions and actions when it comes to learning this particular subject matter.
Keep in mind that your questions must help build on your current knowledge and perspectives, yet at the same time lead you down unfamiliar paths where new learnings and understandings await.
This intelligence is absolutely critical and essential as a guidance tool that will help you to accelerate your learning potential through effective learning methods that are best suited to your learning preferences.
Think creatively about the questions you will be asking yourself, and take time to reflect on the answers before beginning the learning process. Here are some personal reflective questions to get you started:
Why should I learn this?
How is this of significance?
How can I apply this into my life?
How will learning this change me?
How does this fit in with what I already know?
Personal Reflection and Visualization
This goes hand-in-hand with questioning.
Before, during and after the learning process you must essentially take a timeout to close your eyes and reflect on the process of learning. Reflect and visualize how the learning process has progressed, how effective it has been, what improvements can be made, and how you have grown as a person as a result of these new learnings and understandings.
Self-reflection and understanding is an absolutely essential component of the accelerated learning process that you simply cannot do without. Please do not take this process for granted.
Mastering Instrumental Musical Intelligence
Instrumental Musical Intelligence is probably the most renowned and respected intelligence within the entertainment industry. Musicians, singers, songwriters and in some ways actors dominate this area and help to advance our world by transforming our emotions through their creative endeavors.
Within this section, you will discover methods for identifying whether this is indeed one of your key intelligences. I will also provide you with important study strategies you can utilize immediately to expand your proficiency within the Instrumental Musical Intelligence realm.
Have you considered visual thinking as a study method?
Intelligence Identification
You have a natural inclination towards this intelligence if you enjoy keeping rhythm, making music, singing songs, nature sounds, creating jingles or remembering verses.
Recommended Study Strategies
Here are just a few recommended study strategies that will naturally enhance your ability to learn and remember information more readily using this specific intelligence.
These strategies are designed to enhance your learning by adding variety and creative self-expression to your study sessions. Some of them may seem unorthodox and somewhat cumbersome, however, the impact that they will have on accelerating your learning potential will be long and lasting. Commit yourself to using them, and you will experience the extraordinary results firsthand.
As you read over these strategies try and align them to best suit the topic you are learning. The key is to be creative, think flexibly and take your imagination outside the box of your natural conditioning and habits of learning. Also, expand your understanding of each strategy by utilizing a variety of different tools that will further enhance its effectiveness.
Finally, take yourself out of your normal environment and into a place where there are no limits or possibilities to what you can do, be or have.
Create Summaries to Music
Back when I was at University, this used to be one of my favorite methods of learning new information. I would simply turn on my favorite piece of music (just music without words) and I would softly sing the study notes I prepared to the rhythm and beat of this music. I even went a step further by recording my singing and then playing it back in the car while I drove to class.
When it came time for my examinations, I found myself literally singing my study notes off the top of my head. It was so easy to remember that I almost laughed at how ridiculously simple this process was.
Other variations of this method include creating jingles to your favorite Christmas songs (and any other songs that stand out in your mind) or even raping your way into the Hip Hop Hall of Fame. 😉
Convert Summaries into Poetry
If you don’t want to take the singing route, then you may prefer to write some poetry instead.
Divide the content you are studying into topics, then take the main points of your study notes and turn them into a poetic verse.
This is a very skill specific study strategy that comes quite naturally to some people and is rather quite difficult for others, however with time and practice I believe that everyone can become an outstanding poet.
A great thing about poetry is that it is so very easy to remember and recall. Again, from personal experience, this strategy works exceptionally well when it comes time to recalling information during examinations.
Play Relaxing Music While Studying
A number of unrelated studies have shown that our brain’s rhythm and chemistry is constantly being transformed by the sounds of music.
These studies have revealed that playing the right type of music in the background while you are studying can naturally enhance and accelerate learning without using any other study methods or tools.
Classical music, in particular, has shown to benefit learners in a variety of ways because it helps to relax the brain and stimulates natural thinking ability.
Concluding Thoughts
The 7 Intelligences of accelerated learning comprise of more than just effective study skills and suggestions. They are in fact a way of life and a means of approaching individual subject topics in ways that will expand your thinking and stimulate deep insight and awareness that would otherwise have laid dormant somewhere within the recesses of your mind.
By working your way towards becoming a Grand-master of the 7 Intelligences, you will open new doors of understanding and opportunity that will help you to dramatically accelerate your learning potential.
Time to Assimilate these Concepts
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Gain More Knowledge…
Here are some additional links and resources that will help you learn more about this topic:
- The Theory of Multiple Intelligences as Proposed by Howard Gardner @ Wikipedia
- 7 Little Known Ways to Drastically Improve Your Learning @ Ririan Project
- 50 Tricks to Study Better, Faster and with Less Stress @ Scott H Young