Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill. – Tony Buzan
The Gift of Sight
For those of us who are blessed with the gift of sight, it is easy to see the important role it plays in our daily lives. Not only do we live within a reality of pictures and moving images, but what is even more profound, is that we dream and think in pictures 24/7. In fact, our entire existence revolves around the concept of visual images passing through us like clouds moving across the sky.
Given all this, is it really surprising that mind mapping is considered to be a fundamental key to accelerated learning?
Today’s discussion will focus on the concept of mind mapping and how it can be applied to the process of accelerated learning.
We will first discuss the benefits of mind mapping and how it can be used for a multitude of purposes at school, at work and in business. In addition to this, we will explore the ever-expanding number of visual mapping methods that you can use to clarify, learn and expand your ideas. And we will conclude our discussion by looking at a number of mind mapping study tips you can use to enhance your study regime.
Mind Mapping In Perspective
Mind Mapping is an ideal tool that will help you to accelerate your ability to learn new pieces of information far more quickly and effectively than ever before.
Within this section, we will discuss the various applications of mind mapping in some detail. You will discover how mind mapping can be applied in a business context, to life, and into academic circles.
Let’s begin our discussion with the benefits of mind mapping and its impact on our day-to-day thinking, decisions, and actions.
The Benefits of Mind Mapping
The benefits of mind mapping are far reaching and actually extend into just about every area of our lives, helping us to think more effectively and grow exponentially as a result of the improved efficiency-of-thought and levels of productivity. However, don’t just accept this list at face value. Please also check out 100 reasons to mind map, which will provide you with additional insights and reasons to begin mind mapping today.
Let’s just into it and see how mind mapping can be applied to various areas of our lives:
Provides Global Perspective on Ideas and Information
One reason why chunks of information are difficult to understand is that we fail to see these chunks from a global perspective. It’s like trying to piece together that the earth is round from the ground. It’s only when we pan-out into space and view the earth as a whole, do we begin to comprehend the nature of our spherical and magnificent planet. The same can also be said about the information we are attempting to learn.
While learning it’s very easy to get lost in the details and fail to see the larger picture. If only we were able to somehow zoom-out and view this information from a global perspective we would then be better able to see all interconnected pieces interacting with one another in a multitude of ways.
Let’s take this article post as an example. Even though it presents you with more information than you will find within the IQ Matrix, it’s, however, lacking the necessary connections that will allow you to make full sense of the topic in one reading. On the other hand, simply spending a few moments overviewing the IQ Matrix will present you with a thorough global perspective of the entire subject matter.
Improves Problem Solving Ability
The better you are able to manage and organize your problems within a mind map, the more connections you will likely find between seemingly disjointed fragments of information. As a result, this will help you find answers that you may not have been aware of before.
Improves Creative and Critical Thinking
Our ability to think critically and creatively is built upon the foundations of how effectively we can piece together seemingly unrelated bits of information.
Mind mapping is one of the best tools available today that will enhance and encourage the development of this type of thinking.
Improves Concentration
Reading or learning information in a linear way puts a lot of pressure on the brain. In fact, over extended periods of time, it can become quite draining on our mental resources, which can further lead to fatigue and cause our concentration levels to waver.
Often when you read through chunks of linear information, you will forget most of what you have just read because it fails to stimulate the mind. Mind mapping, on the other hand, presents your brain with an invigorating stimulus filled with interconnecting pieces, colors, images, symbols and words that work together to energize the brain and improve concentration.
Improves Photographic Memory
Because we think, dream and predominantly imagine our world in pictures, it just makes sense that a mind map would, in fact, help us to improve our photographic memory.
If I asked you to think of a donkey… actually close your eyes and think of a donkey… do it now… when done, continue.
Did you see the word donkey in your mind? Or did you actually envision an image of a donkey?
Most people would see the image of a donkey as this is consistent with how we think about information.
A mind map interlocks and associates words with vivid colors, symbols, and imaginative images.
When it comes time to recall your mind map from memory, the words you write down become secondary and the visual images, colors, and symbols you use are what leave a lasting impression on your long-term memory. And all this works together to help improve your photographic memory and recall of information.
Improves Flow of Ideas
When we are able to understand the associations, connections and interactions between different pieces of information, this naturally brings forth a spurt of creative and unique ideas that we normally would not have been able to piece together through standard ways of thinking. This is also the primary reason why mind mapping is one of the most effective brainstorming tools.
Improves Ability to Manage Information
It is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information that we are required to recall and remember these days.
Have you ever attended a seminar or lecture where the speaker provided you with a wealth of information that completely overloaded your brain? 😉 I have personally been in that situation. It’s not a pleasant place to spend a lot of time, as it makes you feel inadequate, incapable and extremely frustrated.
The solution for managing large amounts of information is hidden within a mind map.
Mind mapping consistently throughout a seminar or lecture will provide you with a sense of control and confidence that will help to boost your productivity at school, at work, and in life.
Improves Confidence
When you are able to effectively use mind mapping in the above-mentioned ways, then you will naturally radiate confidence that will further help you to excel and effectively manage the ever-increasing amounts of information coming your way.
Business and Career Applications for Mind Mapping
Mind mapping will help you to improve your effectiveness and efficiency in the day-to-day management of your business activities and career responsibilities. Not only will it help you to clarify your thinking, but it will also save you time and reduce the overwhelm that we often experience when too much information is thrown our way.
Communicating Message and Ideas
You may like to use mind mapping when you are finding it difficult to explain a concept or idea to one of your colleagues.
Planning Time
You may like to use mind mapping to better manage, overview and structure your time around important and urgent activities.
When you have a global perspective of where you need to spend your time, then you will feel more in control and secure in the knowledge that time is relative and completely in your hands.
Planning Meeting Agenda
You may like to use mind mapping to structure, plan and organize your meetings.
Sometimes we come into a meeting a little unprepared and as a result, fail to discuss relevant critical matters. However, when you take the time to draw up a mind map of the agenda, you will effectively piece together a comprehensive picture of the issues that need to be addressed and discussed throughout the meeting. This mind map may also help others to draw unique insights and ideas that will further enhance the meeting.
Planning Company Trainings
You may like to use mind mapping to organize and prepare company training sessions.
When you are training someone for the first time about specific topics, it is easy to skip over important pieces of information that are necessary for the trainees’ understanding. However, by following along with a mind map, not only will you be better able to present your knowledge to your recruits, but they will also be better prepared to understand the concepts from a global perspective.
Planning Speeches and Presentations
You may like to use mind mapping to prepare and present your speeches and presentations.
Sometimes we rush, skip-over or forget to present critical components of our presentations due to a variety of factors.
Mind mapping will help you to piece together your speech or presentation in a structured and focused way.
Planning Negotiations
You may like to use mind mapping before and throughout the negotiation process.
As you are negotiating a deal, simply doodle a diagram of the details in a mind map format on paper. This will help you to gather a global perspective of the issues at hand, which may likewise provide you with unique insights and answers that will assist you with reaching a satisfactory outcome.
Academic Applications for Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is best known for its application within academic circles for the purpose of accelerating learning and recall of information.
Let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits.
Used as Revision a Tool
Mind mapping can be used as an effective revision tool for class notes.
Because mind mapping provides a global perspective on a topic, it helps students to build strong associations between interconnecting chunks of the subject matter.
Used for Exam Preparation
When it comes to preparing for examinations, there is no better tool than mind mapping. More about this later…
Used for Improving Memorization of Information
Because mind mapping naturally mimics the brains cognitive processes, this makes it an ideal tool for memorizing large chunks of information.
When something you are studying is consistent with your patterns of thinking and remembering, it becomes easy to learn and recall.
Used for Overviewing Links and Connections
Mind mapping interlocks links together and connects seemingly unrelated fragments of information in a way that makes them easy to remember and recall at a later time. This makes it one of the most comprehensive tools that will help you gather a global perspective and overview of the subject under study. More about this later…
Used for Accelerated Learning Purposes
Mind Mapping is one of many tools that are critical for accelerated learning. You will discover more tools within the following articles:
- 7 intelligences of accelerated learning
- Speed reading study skills
- Multi-sensory study skills
- Visual thinking strategies
Life Applications for Mind Mapping
Mind mapping and daily life management practices don’t often go hand-in-hand for most people. We understand how it can be applied to academics and for business or career purposes, however, we struggle to comprehend how we can implement and use it in our day-to-day lives.
This section will assist you in overcoming some of these misconceptions and will provide you with a few simple guidelines that will help you to adopt mind mapping into your day-to-day undertakings.
Used as a Brainstorming Tool
Do you have a problem you need to solve? Most of us do…
Do you need immediate inspiration?
Are you trying to work out how to manage a task or activity more effectively?
Simply break out some crayons and a piece of paper and mind map your thoughts and ideas just like a child.
Used to Organize Lists
Do you have a long list of things that you must accomplish?
Do you become easily overwhelmed with all the things that you must remember to do throughout your day?
If the answer is yes then you might find it helpful to mind map your lists on paper in a way that will better organize, arrange and structure them in your mind.
Once things are organized and arranged, you will feel a great burden lifted off your shoulder. This newfound clarity-of-thought will enhance your memory and ability to think more effectively about the tasks at hand.
Used to Organize Events
Planning and organizing events can fatigue even the hardiest of souls because often it’s sometimes difficult to predict everything that is required, who must be invited, and what must be accomplished at any one moment in time.
All of these responsibilities can easily overwhelm and overload your mind. However, with the help of a simple mind map, you will be able to manage, plan and organize your event the way you envisioned.
Used for Lifelong Rapid Learning
I hope that this discussion about mind mapping has helped you understand that mind mapping isn’t a skill that one learns and uses only occasionally. It is rather a lifelong commitment you make to yourself that will help you to increase the speed and effectiveness of your daily undertakings. With it, the world is your oyster. Without it… well let’s say that there are no pearls at the bottom of a swimming pool… unless of course, you drop your necklace into the water. 😉
Visual Mapping Types and Methods
Mind mapping is just one of several methods of mapping information and ideas that you can make use of.
Each piece of information is best studied and memorized through a structured process of learning that assimilates chunks of information in the most effective and efficient way that naturally mimics the brain’s cognitive thinking patterns.
Within this section, we will explore a variety of alternatives to mind mapping that you can take advantage of. We will also delve into the computer generated and hand-drawn methods of mind mapping that you can incorporate into your mind mapping practices.
Visual Mapping Types
The following is a quick break down of seven different types of maps that can be used to represent the information you are learning.
How you use these maps will vary depending on the structure of the information you are learning, on your purpose for learning, and on your goals and objectives.
Please have a look at the IQ Matrix for visual examples of each of these visual map types.
- Cyclical Maps: Are used to represent key terms within stages in a cyclic process.
- Radial Maps: Are mind map type structures with sub-topics radiating from a central image or word.
- Converging Maps: Are used to represent causes that lead to a single effect.
- Hierarchical Maps: Are used to represent key terms as smaller and smaller parts of a larger topic.
- Interacting Maps: Are concept map structures that interlink with each other in a variety of ways.
- Comparison Maps: Are used to compare two or more things. The central interlocking part represents the object’s shared components or characteristics.
- Linear Maps: Are flowchart type structures that represent linear stages of a process that has a beginning and an ending.
Mind Mapping Methods
The following is a break down of two popular mind mapping methods you can use to represent your ideas and the information you are learning.
There are benefits and drawbacks to each method, so it is important that you take into account your purpose and objectives before deciding which method you would like to use as a foundation for your learning.
Sometimes it is best to choose the method you will use based on the time you have available, the information you are learning, and the resources you have on hand.
Hand Drawn Mind Maps
Personally, I have been creating hand-drawn mind maps for years since my University days. I found them to be of great benefit, as they allowed me to expand my thinking and understanding about the topics I was learning in exponential ways.
Throughout my experimentation with hand-drawn mind maps, I did come across a number of drawbacks that eventually convinced me to make the switch to computer-generated mind mapping for specific purposes.
Here is a breakdown of some of the benefits and drawbacks of hand-drawn mind mapping:
Hand drawn mind maps are flexible and allow you to bend, squiggle and expand the map any which way you wish. This enhances the mind map’s organic structure making it far easier to remember and use as an accelerated learning tool.
Another benefit of a hand-drawn mind map is that it is very personal and unique to the individual who created it. It is this personal touch corresponding to your natural thinking patterns that will help you to assimilate the information you are mapping out far more effectively.
Hand drawn mind maps are limited to the amount of space that is available on the sheet of paper. When working with hand-drawn mind maps I always tended to cram the information I was mapping out right near the edges of the page I was working on.
Another drawback is that it is time-consuming. Hand drawing your mind maps with pictures, symbols and colors can take a great deal of time depending on how thoroughly you design your maps. Within the same period of time, you could potentially create a handful of computer generated mind maps.
Some profound examples of superbly and meticulously hand-drawn mind maps are available on Mind Map Art and on the Mind Map Inspiration website.
Paul Foreman is one of the most gifted mind map artists you will find. His website is chock full of quality mind maps about spiritual transformation, personal development, effective thinking, inspiration, and health. A while back he actually wrote a guest post on the IQ Matrix blog about De-Cluttering Your Life, Environment, and Mind. The map he created for the post is one you just have to see. 🙂
Computer Generated Mind Maps
This method of mind mapping has generated a lot of interest over recent years. Today there are more software applications for mind mapping than ever before. And it seems that almost every single month there is a new player on the market.
Each piece of software or online application has its own benefits and drawbacks. However, for the purpose of this discussion let’s take a quick look at the overall picture, and compare how today’s mind mapping software stacks up against hand-drawn mind maps.
Computer generated mind maps are collapsible, expandable, structured, multi-dimensional and quick to put together.
Computer generated mind maps are impersonal and rigid. Meaning that they won’t always allow you to do what your mind envisions.
Mind Mapping and Concept Mapping Software Leaders
The following is a list of the mind mapping software market leaders (the first 3 are the major players in the marketplace).
Every software package has a number of drawbacks and benefits. Your best option is to try these software packages out for a few weeks (depending on their trial period) and decide for yourself if they serve your purposes.
- Mindjet MindManager: 30-day free trial available
- NovaMind: 30-day free trial available
- iMindMap: 7-day free trial available
- FreeMind: Completely free to download and use
- ConceptDraw Mind Map: 30-day free trial available
- Visual Mind: 30-day free trial available
- Inspiration: 30-day free trial period
- OpenMind: Free trial period available
- Xmind: Free trial period available
- SmartDraw: Free trial period available
3D Mind Mapping
The following is a list of 3D mind mapping software packages that are available at this very moment.
The 3D packages absorb you into the world of your content and help you to understand the information from an insider’s perspective.
You really have to download the trial version of the software to truly grasp a comprehensive idea of what these packages can do for you.
- Topicscape: 30-day free trial available. Student Edition is Free.
- Nelements: Free paid versions available
Online Mind Mapping Applications
The following is a list of online mind mapping and flow-charting applications that you can use to create your own maps or to collaborate with others.
Each application has slightly different features, so it is important that you settle on an online software package that best suits your needs.
- MindMeister: Free and Premium versions available
- Bubbl.us: Free
- Mindomo: Free and Premium versions available
- CoMapping: 30-day free trial available
- Mind42: Free trial period available
- Mapul: Free trial period available
- FlowChart: Online flowcharting in your browser
- Gliffy: Free online diagramming software
Lesser Known Mapping Applications
The following are some of the lesser known mind mapping and concept mapping software packages available online.
Some of these packages are new and have a number of interesting and revolutionary features. While others have been around for quite a number of years and haven’t quite been able to get a foothold in the mind mapping marketplace. However, please don’t discount these software packages. Some of them do have very interesting features and may well be worth checking out.
- Cayra: Free trial period available. Concept Mapping software.
- TheBrain: Free and Professional versions available
- Mind Visualizer: Free trial period available
- Pocket Mindmap: Mind Mapping on your Pocket PC
- Mind Genius: 7 to 21 day free trial available on 3 versions.
- MYmap: Free trial period available
- MindPlan: Combines Mind Mapping and Project Management
- HeadCase: 28 Day free trial period
- MindPad: 30 day free trial period
- BrainMine: Free trial period available
- SparkSpace: 30-day free trial available
- MindCad: Free trial period available
- i2Brain: Free trial period available
Mind Map Reading Guidelines
I have removed this section from the page because you will now find all the relevant information that pertains to this branch of the IQ Matrix (plus plenty more) within the IQ Matrix Guide for Beginner’s eBook and mind map.
Mind Mapping Study Tips
While I was at University, I managed to perfect a method of studying from a mind map that dramatically accelerated my ability to learn and remember large chunks of information. In fact, using this method, I managed to develop my capacity to achieve a photographic memory.
For the purpose of this section, we will explore the mind mapping methods I utilized using Mindjet MindManager software. I would love to have shown you all the mind maps I created back then, unfortunately, I no longer have access to those files. However, as an alternative, I would like to draw your attention to the Litemind website. Luciano has created some absolutely breathtaking mind maps using MindManager — summarizing best selling personal development and business books.
Mind Mapping Software for Homework Help
As discussed above, for the purpose of this example and the discussion that follows I will refer to MindManager. However, please bear in mind that there are alternatives available to this software package that are equally as effective and will likewise help you to structure your mind maps in a similar way. A few other leading examples are NovaMind, Xmind and FreeMind.
Homework Help: Mind Mapping Study Tips
The following process represents the mind mapping and note-taking methods I used on an ongoing basis each semester that helped prepared my mind for photographic memory and recall.
The steps outlined here require that you take your laptop, notebook or tablet with you to class.
Before Class: Preparation
Find out what topic you will be discussing in your upcoming class and which textbook chapters you are required to read.
Once this has been established, spend some time speed reading through the chapters picking up on major heading and important pieces of information that standout in your mind.
When finished, begin preparing your mind map using your preferred mind mapping software application.
All you are doing at this stage is mapping out the major headings, sub-headings and the most important and relevant keywords. Be sure to organize and arrange them in a way that helps you to better understand the topic you are about to study.
During Class: Expansion
Take your laptop, notebook or tablet into class and add additional notes while expanding the branches of your mind map as you listen to the lecture.
After Class: Assimilation
This should be accomplished the very same day if possible.
Begin by thoroughly reading through the topic chapter within your textbook or handouts. As you read update your mind map with additional notes, headings, sub-headings, keywords and personal opinions.
Once you have meticulously pieced this mind map together, you are now ready to insert a range of memory triggers into the map.
Begin by adding the following information to your mind map:
- Memorable images to your keyword, major headings, and sub-headings.
- Links to relevant computer files such as documents, spreadsheets, and PowerPoints.
- Links to relevant websites and other information.
- Links to your calendar and tasks (if required).
- Transform your mind map by adding different colors to the branches.
- Add relevant symbols that will help you to identify specific pieces of content.
- Add highlights to specific sections to indicate their relationship or importance.
- Add font differentiation by altering the size, style, look and feel of words. Use bold, underlines and italics.
- Modify the thickness of the lines and give them an organic feel.
- Modify the structure of the word-boxes by changing them into circles, rectangles, etc, as appropriate.
When you are done you might get something looking like this:
This mind map is taken from the Medici Effect, available as a free download from the Litemind website.
General Guidelines
It is important that you do not strictly follow the content structure of the lecture notes or textbook you are summarizing within your mind map.
The purpose of a mind map is not to simply regurgitate what your lecturer said or the information that the textbook outlined. Instead, your objective is to organize this information in a way that is easy for you to remember and recall. For this very reason, you might feel the need to connect topics from different chapters within the mind map that makes the most sense to you. Other times you might even decide to copy the same topic into two sections of your mind map because this will help you to better understand and make sense of what you are learning.
It is also critical that you combine your entire semester’s work (including your lecture notes, assignments, essays, tests, and textbook notes) into one mind map.
By having all this information in one place, will provide you with an all-encompassing overview of the subject area. However, don’t just throw this information together randomly. Actually take time to piece it together, to combine seemingly unrelated pieces of information, and to structure it in a way that is best suited to your understanding of the topic. In the end, this mind map should be a reflection of your thoughts on this subject, and not a regurgitation of what your lecturer said or your textbook presented.
Mind Map Examination Study Tips
Having thoroughly pieced together your mind map, you are now ready to begin preparing for your examinations.
At this stage, you should have everything you need meticulously presented within your mind map. All it takes now is to thoroughly go through each of the branches and absorb the content into your long-term memory.
Read through Mind Map Thoroughly
Your first step is to read through your mind map thoroughly and meticulously.
Introduction to the 3R+T Mind Mapping Study Process
The 3R+T Photographic Memory Mind Map Study Process will help you to thoroughly piece together each branch of your mind map in the most effective and efficient way.
As you work your way through this process you will slowly but surely (for some people it will be quite rapid) develop the capacity for a photographic memory. As a result, when it comes time to take your exam, you may be pleasantly surprised how proficient you have become at remembering everything you needed to know to excel within this subject area.
Let’s break down this process step-by-step, and guide you through its application.
Select one branch of your mind map and read it in its entirety.
As you are reading pay attention to the colors, highlights, symbols, font sizes, images, etc. Your goal is to associate as much of the content as possible to these physical landmarks on your mind map. The more thoroughly you focus and concentrate on this process, the more effective your results will be.
It is also helpful here to set a time limit for this step of the 3R+T Process. This is, after all, an accelerated learning method, and time constraints are important as they will force your brain to think more efficiently about the material you are studying.
Now that you have thoroughly read through the first branch of the mind map, your next step is to recall it from memory.
Close your eyes, and picture within your minds-eye the branch you just read through in all its glory. Picture all the landmarks along this branch (images, colors, symbols, highlights, font sizes, etc) that make it stand out clearly within your mind.
Approach this mental journey as though you are walking along a familiar comforting path in a relaxed manner.
As you are mentally gliding along this branch see it vividly in your mind and begin describing this journey to yourself out loud. The greater emotional intensity you incorporate into this process, the greater amount of neural associations you will stimulate within your brain.
Again here, it is important to set a time limit for this process so that you can move through the entire mind map in good time.
Once you have completed your mental journey, return to your mind map branch and glaze over it with your eyes taking into consideration the segments and sub-branches that you had the most trouble remembering.
You may find it helpful at this stage to highlight the sub-branches or words that you found difficult to remember. This will help these ideas standout in your mind the next time you move through this branch.
Take a little time to ponder the branch as a whole before moving into the test phase. Again it is important to set a time limit for this stage.
Once you have reviewed your mind map branch, you are now ready to test your knowledge.
Testing your knowledge can be accomplished in three ways:
- Answering Questions: Here you ask yourself a set of questions about the branch and testing to see if you can remember the answer. If you are finding an answer difficult to recall, then simply search for it within your mind map, read it over and answer it in your own words. By following this method you will be better able to recall where this answer lies within your mind map the next time you transition through this process.
- Sketching the Mind Map Branch: You can quickly sketch out your mind map branch on a piece of paper. This method will help you to stimulate your kinesthetic or physical intelligence — allowing for far more rapid assimilation of the material you are learning. While you are sketching out your mind map pay attention to images, symbols, font differentiations, branch thickness, colors, etc. Throughout this process, it’s critical that you keep stimulating your auditory senses by talking through your sketch out loud (use a big, emotional and memorable voice). Finally, please set a time limit for this process.
- Expanding Mind Map Branch: This can only be achieved when using mind mapping software as they will allow you to expand and collapse each of the branch levels. To begin with, collapse all the branch levels so that you can only read the very first major/top headings. Now recall from memory the sub-headings branching off this major heading. Once recalled, expand the second level of this branch and recall from memory what sub-headings and chunks of information lie within the third layer. Continue this process through the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th level until you have expanded all of the branches successfully. As you are moving through this process, it is okay to go back and forth to try and remember difficult chunks. However, make sure to highlight these difficult to remember sub-branches so that you can return to them at a later time.
Repeat 3R+T Process
Once you have completed one branch, simply continue rotating through all the other branches of your mind map moving in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction that same day.
Repeat the process for a period of 7 days until fully assimilated — making sure to shorten the time learning intervals for each section every day.
From personal experience, I can confidently say that you can effectively assimilate an entire 500-page textbook (achieving 80%+ perfect recall) within a few days of implementing the 3R+T process.
If my explanation of this process hasn’t been thorough enough, then please forward me your questions in the comments section below.
Below you will find a jpg file of the rough draft I created about this topic in Mindjet MindManager. The draft doesn’t always reflect or mirror the completed IQ Matrix, however, it will provide you with the pattern of thinking that I went through throughout the creation process.
Concluding Thoughts
Mind mapping is an extraordinary journey of awakening that can dramatically transform the way we manage and process information on a daily basis. It will enhance your photographic memory, recall and dramatically improve your ability as an accelerated learner. However, having said that, there is no doubt that mind mapping isn’t everyone’s cup of tea — at least not on the surface.
If for instance, you have a preference for auditory learning, then mind mapping will seem very tedious and somewhat difficult to manage and understanding. That’s completely fine. It just means that your brain has been hardwired somewhat differently. You may like to create your mind maps and then talk about them aloud as though conducting a presentation. This will help with the integration process of the information you are learning.
Kinesthetically inclined people who like to use their hands and involve themselves in the learning process, might not find mind mapping software very helpful. However, hand-drawn mind maps may provide a better and far more absorbing alternative that will help improve their memory and recall.
As for the rest of us who are visual learners, mind mapping is the key to our continued growth, development, and progress as we move through the complexities of daily life. Cultivate these principles and assimilate them into your daily habits and patterns of thinking, and you too will benefit as I have from the extraordinary process of mind mapping.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to share your questions, comments or experiences about Mind Mapping below.
Time to Assimilate these Concepts
Did you gain value from this article? Is it important that you know and understand this topic? Would you like to optimize how you think about this topic? Would you like a method for applying these ideas to your life?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I’m confident you will gain tremendous value from using the accompanying IQ Matrix for coaching or self-coaching purposes. This mind map provides you with a quick visual overview of the article you just read. The branches, interlinking ideas, and images model how the brain thinks and processes information. It’s kind of like implanting a thought into your brain – an upgrade of sorts that optimizes how you think about these concepts and ideas. 🙂
Recommended IQ Matrix Bundles
If you’re intrigued by the idea of using mind maps for self-improvement then I would like to invite you to become an IQ Matrix Member.
If you’re new to mind mapping or just want to check things out, then register for the Free 12 Month Membership Program. There you will gain access to over 90 mind maps, visual tools, and resources valued at over $500.
If, on the other hand, you want access to an ever-growing library of 100s of visual tools and resources, then check out our Premium Membership Packages. These packages provide you with the ultimate visual reference library for all your personal development needs.
Gain More Knowledge…
Here are some additional links and resources that will help you learn more about this topic:
- What is Mind Mapping? (and How to Get Started Immediately) @ Litemind
- Using Mind Maps Effectively @ Illumine Training
- How to Mind Map for Study Success @ Learning Fundamentals
- Solve Problems, Study, and Brainstorm Using Mind Maps @ WiseBread
- How to Use a Genius Tool for Writers: Mind Maps @ Write to Done
- Mind Map Directory @ Topicscape
- Mind Map Director @ Mappio
- Mindjet MindManager Map Directory @ Biggerplate
- Hand Drawn Mind Map Directory @ Mind Map Inspiration
- Software vs Hand Drawn Mind Maps @ Mind Mapping Software Blog
- Mind Mapping for Productive research & Writing @ Geekpreneur
- Using Mind Maps to Solve Maths Problems @ Visual Mapping
- Learning Mind Mapping Linkfest @ Alec Satin
- How to Make a Mind Map at WikIT @ Topicscape
- Mind Mapping with Wikipedia @ Mind Map Blog
- Getting Projects Done with MindManager 8 and Google Docs @ Mindjet Blog
Recommended Mind Mapping Software
Feel free to try out this software to see if it suits your needs. All of these companies offer a free trial period.
- MindManager – Mind mapping software with 30 day free trial period.
- Topicscape – 3D mind mapping software with 30 day free trial period.
- NovaMind – Mind mapping software with 30 Day Free Trial Period.
- Xmind – Open source mind mapping software.
- FreeMind – Free mind mapping Software.