Adam Sicinski

Adam is a life coach, mind mapper, doodler and visual thinker. He founded IQ Matrix in 2008 and has created over 500 self-growth mind maps. He also teaches doodling for personal development and transformation. Learn more at IQ Doodle School. Feel free to also get in touch and send Adam a message. And, if you found this article of value, then please share it with your family and friends.

How to Unlock Your Personal Legend, Find Your Purpose and Discover Your Deepest Passions

This article will help you clarify your mission and vision. Clarity in these two areas will help you unlock your life’s purpose and ultimate destiny. The idea of a Personal Legend came from a book written by Paulo Coelho titled, The Alchemist. The book tells the story of a young boy searching for a deeper meaning to his life. He is ultimately searching for his life’s purpose, which is highlighted in the book as a Personal Legend. The article outlines the purpose of creating an inspiring Personal Legend. It lists down several questions that will help you get very clear about your Personal Legend. It walks you through a series of exercises for unlocking your Personal Legend. It concludes with a break down on how to align your Personal Legend with other aspects of your life. Reading through this article will help you gain the necessary clarity needed to make more optimal choices as you work toward the attainment of your Personal Legend.

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Why You Need an Unwavering Commitment to Achieve Your Goals

This article explores how to fully commit to any decision you make with a greater sense of certainty, discipline, and fortitude. The mind map outlines what it takes to fully commit ourselves to something. It highlights how to gain the necessary clarity you need to make a commitment. It walks you through how to stay fully committed to your desired outcomes. It concludes by breaking down several commitment traps that often prevent people from staying true to the commitments they make over the long-run. As you work through this article you will progressively develop the commitment you need to take the actions required to achieve your goals and objectives.

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Life Coaching: How to Evaluate Your Client’s Reality

This article explores how to work with your coaching client to overcome their problems and concerns. Specifically, the article walks you through the process of evaluating your client’s present reality, their habitual behavior patterns, learning preferences, and their success strategy. Your first objective will be to analyze your client’s current behavior patterns. These patterns of behavior will help you identify areas of self-sabotage or areas for improvement The article then walks you through how to gain a deeper understanding of your client’s success strategy. Understanding your client’s success strategy along with their learning preferences will help you guide them down an optimal path toward resolving their problems and achieving their goals.

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Life Coaching: How to Identify Your Client’s Reality

This article explores how to work with your coaching client to overcome their problems and concerns. Specifically, the article helps you identify the obstacles standing between your client and their desired goals. It breaks down how to assess your client’s tendencies towards failure. It walks you through how to identify the GAP between your client’s current reality and their desired outcomes. Your first objective, as you work through this article will be to ask your client a series of questions that will help you pinpoint where they are struggling to make progress as they work toward their goals. After which, the article delves into your client’s failure strategy and the GAP assessment process.

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Life Coaching: How to Address Your Client’s Concerns

This article will help you address the concerns your client has about their life and circumstances during your coaching session. The article shows you how to address those concerns in a resourceful, structured and creative way. The article specifically breaks down how to obtain a detailed account of your client’s story. It explores how to solve your client’s problems using metaphors. Using metaphors will shift how your client thinks about themselves, others, and about their circumstances. This, by itself, can become an incredibly transformative experience that leaves your client feeling empowered and upbeat. The article concludes by outlining how to awaken unconscious resources to help your client overcome their pressing problems.

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Here’s Exactly What to do During Your First Life Coaching Session

This article takes you through the first life coaching session with a new coaching client. The article lays down an outline you can follow that helps structure your first coaching session. It breaks down the purpose of life coaching, client and coaching roles, the barriers to effective coaching, how to establish and build rapport during your coaching session, and how to leave your client feeling committed, motivated and inspired.

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How Your Language Patterns Are Tied to Your Emotional Experiences

This article explores the remarkable power of language and the transformational impact it has on our thoughts, decisions, emotions, and actions. We talk and communicate every single day. But most of us are not really that consciously aware of how our words impact our psychology. And this is not only about how you communicate with other people. It’s also about how you talk internally to yourself when nobody else is listening. The language you use has a dramatic impact on your mood, emotions, and the feelings you experience. This article explores the transformational impact that language has on our interpretations of reality. It walks you through a three-step self-analysis process to help you to better understand the impact of your language. It delves into our language patterns and the impact that specific words have on our lives. And it presents you with ideas for transforming your language and for reframing limiting words into empowering feelings.

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How to Develop a Solid Plan of Action for Goal Achievement

This article will help you draw up an effective plan of action for achieving your goals. The article breaks down several critical components that go into creating an effective plan of action. It provides you with guidelines on how to align your plan of action with your goals. It takes you through an ecology check to determine what impact your goals have on other aspects of your life. It takes you through a future-pacing technique for setting ecological goals. The article concludes by outlining several things you must do to lay down effective plans of action to achieve your desired aims. As you work through this article you will come to understand what it takes to achieve the goals you set.

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The Complete Guide for Making Better Life Decisions

This article explores how to make more effective and optimal decisions when it comes to achieving your goals. The article provides you with greater clarity and freedom of choice, which subsequently minimizes the length of time it takes you to make up your mind about something. The article defines what it means to make an effective decision. It highlights the barriers to effective decision-making. It explores the forces that guide our decisions. It presents you with a formula for improving your decisions. It then delves into a six-step process for making more effective decisions. And the article concludes by outlining the do’s and don’ts of effective decision-making. As you work through this map you will progressively develop the required set of skills that will save you time, energy and money. This will, likewise, minimize the mistakes that are often made when deciding on a course of action.

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How to Make More Effective Decisions by Tapping into Your Intuition

This article explores how to develop your intuition and subsequently make more effective decisions throughout the day. The article removes the mystical elements surrounding intuition. As you read through this article you will come to understand how our intuition is formed and how it influences our thoughts and perspective. The article also outlines how developing your intuition can improve your quality of life. It presents you with various practical ideas for tapping into your intuitive abilities. It breaks down a five-step process for developing your intuition. The article concludes by exploring various methods we use that tend to sabotage intuitive thought. As you work through this article you will progressively develop the necessary insight and awareness that will help you use your intuitive abilities to capitalize on opportunities and make more effective decisions.

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An In-Depth Exploration into the Psychology of Manifestation

This article will help you to develop the mindset that is required to attract what you want most into your life. The article delves into the foundational principles of manifestation; provides several guidelines for manifesting what you want most into your life. It breaks down how the process of manifestation works, and explores nine universal laws of manifestation that you can immediately put into action.

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An In-Depth Exploration of the Science of Manifestation

This article helps explain the interconnection between the mind, body, and spirit. It and outlines how these three parts work together to attract what we want most into our lives. The article discusses the role of spiritual karma. It delves into the powerful impact that our emotions have on our lives, and breaks down the seven bodies of spiritual consciousness.

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How to Overcome Social Influence and Paralyzing Peer Pressure

This article will help you to overcome limiting factors the influence your daily decisions and actions. The article presents a list of different types of influences that shape our lives. It discusses the impact of peer group pressure. It delves into the criteria for effective peer group selection. And breaks down how to overcome the influential forces running your life.

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How to Use the Pain and Pleasure Principle to Achieve a Goal

This article explores the two primary motivating forces behind all our choices, decisions, and actions. The pain and pleasure principle dictates how we feel each day and what we choose to do about it. In fact, this principle secretly and covertly carves out our destiny at an unconscious level of awareness. The article breaks down an eight-step process that will help you use this principle to your advantage. Working through this process of steps will help move you from a state of procrastination, uncertainty, and hesitation, to a state of desire, certainty, and motivation. The steps of this process include creating pain, interrupting your pattern, creating leverage, generating pleasure, anchoring a new behavior, becoming a realist, and building your plan of action. As you work through this process it will help you to successfully overcome limiting habitual patterns of behavior that are currently sabotaging your progress as you work toward your goals and objectives.

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How to Eliminate Unhelpful Habits that are Holding You Back From Being Your Best Self

This article will help you to break free of the limiting habits that are currently sabotaging your thoughts, decisions, and actions. The article delves into the power of neural associations and the impact they have on your life. It explores the world of psychological anchors, and presents you with several strategies that will help you eliminate unhelpful habits that are holding you back from living your best life.

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How to Transform a Negative Mental Attitude into a Positive State-of-Mind

This article explores various techniques and strategies for developing a positive mental attitude. When we adopt a positive mental attitude we perceive our world from a vastly different perspective. Things that seemed problematic quickly become opportunities, and adversity and failure turn into powerful learning experiences. This article breaks down the thought process and how this impacts our lives. It highlights the two fundamental laws that are critical to the formation of a positive mental attitude. It walks you through key principles of a positive mental attitude and how it influences our lives. And it presents you with various guidelines for overcoming a negative and self-limiting attitude. Working through this article will help you develop the right frame-of-mind needed to achieve your goals and objectives.

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Here’s How Your Brain, Thoughts and Habits are Shaping Your Life

This article provides a definitive guide to the human brain and the power of our thoughts to change our habits, circumstances and the conditions of our lives. The article delves into the makeup of the human brain. It identifies the impact of the inner mind. It defines what thoughts are and the impact they have on our lives, and explores the nature of neurons and the impact they have on our thoughts and lives.

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The Only Guide You’ll Need for Reframing Your Thoughts Using NLP

This article explores how to shift your perspective about your life, problems, and circumstances using NLP framing and reframing techniques. These perspective shifts will open the door to more adaptive and flexible thinking that you can apply to various aspects of your life. The article specifically defines what framing and reframing means. It presents you with three effective framing techniques you can begin using right away. It outlines how to use framing for problem-solving. And concludes with a break down of several reframing techniques you can use to improve your life.

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10 Unhelpful Thinking Styles Sabotaging Your Success

This article explores how to better understand how your habitual thinking patterns influence your life and your perspective of the world around you. Furthermore, the article reveals how we tend to sabotage ourselves each day in subtle ways by the way we think about ourselves, about others, about our life, the world, and our circumstances. These ineffective ways of thinking prevent us from achieving our goals and objectives. An understanding of each of these 10 unhelpful thinking styles will help you shift how you think about and interpret the world around you. Becoming aware of these tendencies will allow you to take control of your thoughts and subsequently the trajectory of your life. The 10 unhelpful thinking styles explored within this article include mental filtering, jumping to conclusions, personalization, black and white thinking, catastrophizing, overgeneralizing, shoulding and musting, labeling, magnification and minimization, and emotional reading.

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How to Eliminate Unhelpful Habitual Rules That Are Sabotaging Your Happiness

This article explores how to better understand the psychological rules that are governing your life and influencing every decision you make. These psychological rules are conditioned into our psyche over a lifetime and impact our behavior and attitude at an unconscious level of awareness. The article outlines the meaning, purpose, and the evolution of our psychological rules and the impact they have on our lives. It takes you through a series of questions that help you identify the helpful and unhelpful rules governing your life. It also breaks down a process you can use to help you consciously create more empowering psychological rules that are aligned with the goals and objectives you want to achieve.

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