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The Psychology of Personal Success and Achievement
The MasterMind Matrix chart is designed as a psychological tool that will help guide you step-by-step towards success in any field of endeavor. It can also be used as an effective self-coaching mechanism to help you overcome the problems and challenges standing between you and your lifelong objectives.
The MasterMind Matrix came together after years of practical application, modeling, research and study into the human mind, emotions and behaviors of some of the most successful people in the world. It is in many ways a culmination of knowledge, strategies and techniques brought about by the work of hundreds of business, psychology and personal development experts spanning the past 100 years of human history.
The MasterMind Matrix is built upon the foundations of:
- Neural Linguistic Programming
- Neural Associative Conditioning
- Hypnotherapy
- Time Line Therapy
- Counseling
- Emotional Intelligence
- Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Metaphysics Principles
- Life Coaching Strategies
- And fundamental principles of life, success, self-development and spiritual manifestation
The significant advantages that the MasterMind Matrix has over traditional life coaching methods is that it presents you with a map of interconnecting fragments of life-skill training zones that merge together to form a path leading to the opportunity for self-transformation.
The MasterMind Matrix takes a snapshot of your entire life on a conscious and unconscious level of awareness and puts your strengths and weaknesses into perspective. As a result you suddenly come to an understanding of how you created your current life reality including all of your limitations, fears, beliefs, emotions and habits.
With these personal insights at the forefront of your mind, you come to realize the transformational power of your habitual patterns of behavior. This awareness thrusts you into action — encouraging you to make the necessary change to propel your life forward in ways that may previously have seemed impossible.
In the end, the purpose of the MasterMind Matrix is to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you desire your life to be.
The MasterMind Matrix is one large fragment representing 150+ smaller interconnecting IQ Matrix maps that provide you with one of the most comprehensive mindset transformation tools available today.
Touching on every major life area, the MasterMind Matrix guides you through a detailed life plan that directs your actions, emotions, thinking and habitual patterns of behavior towards your academic, life, career, sports and business objectives.
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The MasterMind Matrix in Perspective
The MasterMind Matrix is a map about the unconscious, conscious and semiconscious patterns of behavior that we experience every single waking and sleeping moment. It is a process of how we condition ourselves and are conditioned by our environment and others on a daily basis.
Alter any one of the major fragments within the MasterMind Matrix and you will begin to make dramatic and momentum building changes within your life.
The following is a list of some of the key category areas that form the foundations of the MasterMind Matrix. Some of these topics have already been turned into IQ Matrix maps, while the rest are still under development.
- Thought mastery
- Perception alteration
- Enhancing Imagination
- Human need analysis
- Reference formation
- Self-Concept transformation
- Modeling success patterns
- Meta-program elicitation
- Value clarification
- Belief alteration strategies
- Psychological rule transformation
- Personality strengthening tactics
- Physiological mastery
- Mental state transformation
- Emotional intelligence
- Attitude empowerment strategies
- Language transformation
- Effective questioning tactics
- Enhancing intuition
- Effective decision-making
- Strength and weakness analysis
- Personal legend identification
- Goal setting
- Pain and pleasure process
- Drawing plans of action
- Time management strategies
- Visualization and affirmations
- Motivation strategies
- Fear and phobia disintegration
- Stress management
- Lifelong learning principles
- Comfort zone expansion
- Essential qualities of success
- Critical thinking skills
- Creative thinking skills
- Problem solving strategies
- Seizing opportunities
- The conscious brain
- The unconscious mind
- Health mastery
- Sleep enhancement strategies
- Energy and vitality
- Accelerated learning principles
- Memory improvement strategies
- Parenting strategies
- Relationship mastery
- Life success skill areas including leadership, sales, networking, negotiation, public speaking, persuasion, rapport creation, wealth management and more…
This actually only touches the surface of the number of IQ Matrix maps that form the bedrock of the MasterMind Matrix. There are in fact 180+ maps that have been created on a variety of topics that naturally extend from the above mentioned categories.
The information that follows will break-down the MasterMind Matrix into its major segment areas, providing you with an overall perspective of how each component of the MasterMind Matrix interconnects and interacts with other segments.
For an overview of how the MasterMind Matrix relates to academic success, please see The Keyhole Effect.
A Quick Voyage Through the MasterMind Matrix
Just imagine for a moment delving deep into your mind, into your unconscious reservoirs of experience and seeing your habitual patterns of behavior and internal thinking processes vividly presented before you at a fully conscious level of awareness. It’s like walking blind your entire life, yet now for the first time you start seeing the light — awakening from your slumber to new understandings and perspectives about yourself, others and the world around you.
As you make progress along this journey you begin to understand that there is so much more to life than what you consciously imagined. Your thoughts, habits, beliefs, values, needs, questions, language patterns, attitude, self-concept, emotions, and decisions, all come into perspective like you have never experienced them before.
You finally realize all the conscious, unconscious and semiconscious mistakes you have been making all this time. Likewise you now understand why you have been caught in a spiderweb of failure and self-sabotage.
Yes, finally realizing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you now fully comprehend what you must do to achieve your wildest dreams using precise, intelligent, conscious tactics that will move you forward towards your objectives with greater clarity and speed.
Yes indeed… welcome to the MasterMind Matrix.
The following is a quick breakdown of only some of the main components of the MasterMind Matrix. More will be revealed in the future. And once this puzzle has been completed you will have your answers and will no longer be able to make excuses about achieving you life’s objectives.
Let us start the journey from the very beginning…
Perceptual Influences
As you go about your day you are continuously influenced in some shape or form by external events, information, your environment, the media and by your group of peers and mentors. Each of these perceptual influences impact the way you think, act, talk, what you believe, how you value different aspects of your life and so forth. In fact, everything that we will be discussing as we progress through the MasterMind Matrix is a direct reflection of the perceptual influencers in your life.
Your Experience Filter
These perceptual influencers directly form and create an experience filter through which you perceive your world.
Whether you consciously realize it or not, this experience filter is biased towards the influence of the perceptual influencers in your life. In fact, how you perceive your world and surroundings is only an interpretation you have made about life based on the dominant perceptual influencers directing your behavior.
Your Sensory Organs
Your experience filter is the guiding force for the five human senses, including the 6th sense — that of intuition.
Your sensory experience of the world is riddled with biased perspectives about your life, people, information and the environment. This leads to the formation of unique personalized assumptions about your life experience that are neither right nor wrong, but rather just explanations about reality that you justify to yourself based on your own personal experience filter, which of course is directed by the perceptual influencers dominating your life.
Life Experience
Everything discussed thus far creates your life experience as you know it. This essentially boils down to:
- What you do.
- What you have.
- What don’t have in your life.
Your career, academic and business success, even your relationships, spiritual beliefs, health choices, financial circumstances and more, are all heavily influenced by all the aforementioned segments.
There is however a lot more to life experience than what we have discussed up to this point. We must essentially make a full 360 degree circle around the MasterMind Matrix before all the pieces of your life’s puzzle finally come together.
Everything mentioned so far, creates a set of expectations that you prepare for on a daily basis at a predominantly unconscious level of awareness.
Your expectations about life, others, your environment, and about yourself are all fundamental aspects of your psychological makeup that forms your reality.
Your expectations have a direct and dominant impact on your habitual patterns of thinking.
What you come to expect will influence how you think about events, people, circumstances and about yourself in irrevocable ways.
As you progress through the MasterMind Matrix you will come to realize that your thoughts are actually the foundational building blocks of the decisions you make and the actions you take on a daily basis. Yet at the most basic level, thoughts are nothing more than an internal dialog you have with yourself.
This internal dialog can be broken down into the questions you ask, and the words you use to express yourself. Both of these thought processes have a powerful impact on the continued development of your personality, and on your life’s destiny.
The Thinking Brain
This is your conscious thinking process that you are fully aware of as you go about your day.
The Unconscious Mind
This is your unconscious thinking process that is riddled with habitual patterns of thought that significantly impact everything you do, or for that matter don’t do on a daily basis.
What you allow yourself to imagine within the recesses of your mind is a direct result of your thought patterns.
Thoughts guide imagination, thereby creating vivid pictures of your wants and desires.
Your imagination essentially brings your thoughts one step closer into physical reality. However, for imagination to have a powerful and transforming impact on your life, it must be supported with an unshakable belief and conviction.
The Six Human Needs
On both a conscious and unconscious level of awareness, whether you know it or not, you are desiring to experience as many of the Six Human Needs as possible to the greatest extent possible because this is the only way you will experience true lasting fulfillment and happiness in your life.
These six human needs dictate how you live your life by influencing the decisions you make and the actions you take on a daily basis.
Here is a quick break-down of each need:
Here you are seeking to obtain a sense of certainty in your life. You do not want things to change, you seek comfort, you seek security, and you seek knowledge that everything will work out just the way you imagined. As a result you tend to stay within your comfort zone because of the need for certainty within your life.
When certainty becomes far too predictable or boring, than you consciously or sub-consciously seek to create uncertainty. You naturally do this by stepping outside your comfort zone, or by undertaking activities that you would normally avoid.
Uncertainty creates the feelings of excitement and exhilaration that lead you down the path of the unknown. Of course if you tend to over-satisfy this human need, then this can lead to high levels of stress, anxiety or fear. As a result you will naturally move back into your comfort zone by seeking a sense of certainty once again.
Reaching a balance between certainty and uncertainty is essentially one of our primary unconscious objectives in life.
As you go about your days, you continuously seek to feel important, unique and significant in one way or another. You do this by seeking status, acknowledgment or praise for your efforts.
You also obtain significance by achieving your goals, by learning new things or by simply wearing the latest fashion trends.
While striving for a sense of significance, you are at the same time seeking to connect with others, life and society in general. This type of connection can come in many forms including a connection with God, with other people, with nature, with groups, with pets, or even through self-sacrifice that manifests in a caring and compassionate approach to life.
As you go about your day you are seeking to obtain a very delicate balance between your need for connection and your need for significance. The steadier the balance between these two human needs, then the greater sense of fulfillment and happiness you will experience.
In one way or another, you are seeking to experience a sense of growth. This growth can be achieved by learning new things, developing skills and abilities, or simply learning from your everyday experiences.
If you are not growing, then you will tend to stagnate and experience bouts of dissatisfaction and disappointment at a deep unconscious level of awareness.
In order to experience the pinnacle of fulfillment, you will need to satisfy the need for contribution.
You will naturally seek to fulfill this need by working towards a worthy cause that has a benefit to others and the wider community.
When the need for contribution has been satisfied to a high level, then it signifies that all the other five human needs have also been satisfied to a high degree.
As you go about your day attempting to fulfill your six human needs, you will naturally collect a set of references along your journey.
References are simply experiences, emotions, information, and observations that support and give power to your belief systems. The more references you build/acquire about a specific person, subject, object or event, the deeper and stronger belief you will form about that person, subject, object or event.
Opinions and Ideas
The more references you collect on a daily basis about different aspects of your life, the more power these references have in shaping your opinions and ideas about yourself, people, events and the circumstances in your life.
Opinions and ideas haven’t yet formed into beliefs, however they are one notch more powerful in swaying your decisions and actions then a single reference would alone. However, keep in mind that opinions and ideas are not set in stone, and they can therefore be changed with a little common sense and some persuasive emotion.
Everything that has been discussed up to this point comes together to create your self-concept.
Your self-concept is basically a measuring stick of your level of confidence and of your potential to achieve the outcomes you desire to experience in life.
A weak self-concept indicates that you are riddled with fear, anxiety, etc. You will need to fight through these obstacles if you desire to achieve your outcomes.
On the other hand, when you have a strong self-concept then you will naturally radiate with confidence. Yes, you may well suffer from many obstacles along your path towards your desired objectives, however because of your strong self-concept you simply don’t allow these obstacles to limit your progress.
Here is a break-down of the three segmented areas of a self-concept:
These are your labels or beliefs about yourself. It is basically how you perceive yourself in relation to your environment.
This is your vision of what you ideally seek to become as you progress through your life cycle. As your life unfolds, you are naturally motivated to bring that vision to fruition through your daily decisions and actions.
This is your current emotional state that you are experiencing at any one moment in time. This can be a positive, negative or a neutral state. Everything is dependent upon your perspective and determines your level of self-esteem.
Behavior Modeling
A low or high self-concept directly affects the extent to which you are likely to model your peer’s patterns of behavior.
When you have a powerful and resilient self-concept, then you will naturally be very selective to what extent you will allow yourself to be influenced by others. However, on the other hand, if you have a weak self-concept then you will naturally accept things as they are and will therefore be highly susceptible to the influential forces of other people’s thoughts, language, emotions, actions, values, interest, beliefs, even the clothes that your peers wear on a daily basis.
Meta-programs are unconscious mental shortcuts and organized internal patterns of thinking that direct your experience, decisions, behaviors, and your attention span at any given moment in time.
Your self-concept and network of influential peers will determine the meta-programs that dominate your thinking.
Everything discussed up to this point guides and directs your values. Values are basically labels for emotional states based on the life experiences you believe are most important to you. They are a set of standards that you have for life, which are dictated by the principles of pain and pleasure.
You will naturally make decisions and take actions based upon your highest set of values.
Many of these values are built upon an unconscious hierarchy of emotional experiences that set the course for your daily patterns of behavior.
There are essentially two types of values that significantly impact your daily life decisions and actions:
Moving Towards Values
These are values you are moving towards and seeking to experience in your life.
Moving Away from Values
These are values you are moving away from and seeking to avoid in your life.
Your beliefs are formed as a result of a collection of references which manifest into ideas and opinions, which further expand with certainty, forming solid belief systems and patterns of thinking.
Your beliefs progressively guide your decisions and actions every time without question. In fact, what you believe without question, you will always put into action.
A belief at a basic level of understanding is simply a certainty that you have about something. It is something that you know you can do, or you are certain will occur whether you take action or not.
The more references (life experiences) you have attached to a belief, the stronger it’s impact on your decisions and actions.
There are essentially two categories of beliefs that influence your daily decisions and actions:
Limiting Beliefs
These beliefs are built around fear and will naturally prevent you from taking the actions that you know will lead you towards your goals and objectives.
Empowering Beliefs
These beliefs will assist you with the achievement of your goals and objectives.
When your beliefs are weak, then you may turn to faith or prayer to try and create the momentum you need to bring certain events or circumstances into reality.
Faith is simply the act of believing in something without having the necessary references that support the belief pattern you would like to create.
Keep in mind, that over time, through faith alone you can in fact build enough references that will eventuate lead to the development of a strong and unshakable belief that will propel you forward towards your desired outcomes.
Some beliefs that have many emotional references assigned to them can become powerful convictions.
A conviction is simply an amplified belief that is difficult to shake.
When you have a conviction about something, you will simply not listen to reason and you are not likely to be convinced otherwise no matter what evidence there is to the contrary.
When you have a strong conviction you will often take action without really thinking things through carefully or considering the possible consequences of your actions. This can lead to irrational decision making and can blind you to potential opportunities that may be available.
On the other hand, some convictions can be of a positive nature, and they will help you to breakthrough any obstacle that may stand in your way.
Psychological Rules
Values, beliefs and convictions are all supported by the psychological rules that you assign to them.
Psychological rules are somewhat like criteria that guide you towards the fulfillment of your values, beliefs and convictions.
If for instance a high level value does not meet certain rules or criteria of fulfillment, then you will naturally believe that this value has not been satisfied to its full extent.
Personality Traits
Everything that has been discussed up to this point molds and shapes the many layers of your personality over the course of your life experience. By gaining insight into the characteristic makeup of your personality, you will be in a better position to understand your underlying motives of behavior.
The following is a quick break down of the four common personality types. As you read through each of them, identify which one depicts your behavior most accurately.
By understanding your personality type, you will be better prepared to gain a deeper insight into your underlying motives of behavior.
This type of person is direct and people oriented. They are talkative and like to be at the center of attention. They have a deep concern for others. They are nurturing and caring, achievement oriented, enjoy building relationships with others, and they require constant love and support.
This type of person is direct and task oriented. They are poor listeners, very impatient, goal oriented, have a strong will, are independent, competitive, born leaders, controlling, precise in their actions, have a strong self-belief, are strategic planners, they act quickly and decisively, are results oriented, driven, passionate about their careers, and are often insensitive to other people’s feelings.
This type of person is indirect and task oriented. They are very private people, use processes and logical steps, enjoy working by themselves, are honest, loyal, highly attentive to detail, are great systematic problem solvers, often delay their decisions, have a concern for accuracy, work by the book and usually invert their feelings.
This type of person is indirect and people oriented. They are outspoken, enthusiastic, spontaneous, great persuaders and listeners. They have a tendency to get bored very quickly, and are sensitive towards other people’s feelings and opinions.
The building blocks of your personality essentially determine what you will or won’t do under different circumstances and conditions.
Morals effectively determine your perceptions of right and wrong, good and bad, just and unjust.
Ego Consciousness
This is basically your hidden face that you hide from the world and others. It is in other words the face behind the mask that hides secrets and emotional scars.
Everything discussed up to this point has come together to create your Ego Consciousness. And it is this face that will either take you towards your goals and objectives, or will pull you away from your dreams forever.
Manage you Ego Consciousness effectively and you will reap the rewards of a happy and fulfilling life. Mismanage it and you may likely end up in the pits of despair where your dreams will lie decomposing for all eternity.
Internal Filter of Perceived Reality
Your Ego Consciousness filters absolutely everything that comes in from the outside world.
Your Ego Consciousness will not accept anything that isn’t consistent with its deepest and most precious belief patterns and convictions. As a result this can lead to many misperceptions and ill-fated decisions.
You must understand and acknowledge that the internal filter of perceived reality is biased beyond reason, and is often the cause of all your drama, conflict and misfortune in life.
Your External Behavior
Your internal filter of perceived reality directly influences the way you will act and behave in relation to others and circumstances within the external world. In fact, what you do within yourself is actually a mirror reflection of your external behavior. Therefore, if you do not like the outcomes you are experiencing in life, then you must now realize that it is your internal reality that must be transformed for the better.
Within everything that has been discussed up to this point lies your key to total and complete transformation. And what follows is a physical manifestation of this internal behavior and how it is mirrored in your physical experience.
Please keep in mind, that transformation always first begins on a conscious level of awareness (everything that will be discussed from this point forward occurs on a conscious level). This is then transferred onto the unconscious level of awareness at which point it filters and manifests within your physical reality.
Your States of Being
Everything that has been discussed up to this point determines the external states that you experience at any given moment in time.
There are essentially three state dimensions that determine how you will feel on a daily basis. Each of these dimensions interweave together to form the emotional states you experience as you go about your day.
These three states are as follows:
Physiological State
This has to do with your posture, facial expressions and how you go about using your body on a daily basis.
How you use your body will heavily influence the types of emotions you will experience from one moment to the next. It will also influence how you think, what you believe, and a multitude of other factors that determine how you feel about yourself, others and the world around you.
Mental State
This relates to what you are focusing on at any given moment in time.
You can either focus on something within your external environment, or on something within the recesses of your mind. Either way, no matter what you are focused on, keep in mind that this directly influences and impacts the current emotional states that you are experiencing. Moreover, it’s not just what you focus on that matters. It’s rather how you focus on something, that will eventually determine your emotional experience.
Emotional State
Your emotional state is a direct result of the internal filter of perceived reality and as a direct result of your physiological and mental states.
You are an emotional creature, and as a result you may have a tendency to make irrational decisions based on your current emotional experiences. Be aware of this and use foresight to determine the impact your current emotional tendencies could have on your future actions.
Your attitude is the persona you present to the outside world and towards other people in your life.
An attitude is intrinsically neither good nor bad, its measure is determined by its impact on current choices, decisions, behaviors and actions, as well as on the future circumstances pertaining to your life and the world around you.
The attitude you bring to every moment of your life will heavily impact the choices and decisions you make. Hence it is important to cultivate an attitude that is consistent and aligned with your goals and objectives.
Your Spoken Language
These are the words you use while speaking to yourself and others throughout your day.
Words are often tinged with emotion, and tend to release built-up tension through the self-expression of your current state of mind or attitude.
By taking into account the words you use to express yourself, you will begin to understand the truly transforming impact that they indeed have on your life experience.
Also keep in mind that your words reveal your motives, fears, worries, your level of confidence, and your current and/or future emotional circumstances, etc.
Questions Asked
Your words naturally mold into questions. And these questions unlock all kinds of possibilities.
If you have the courage to ask the right questions, at just the right moment, then the floodgates of opportunity will open up to you almost immediately.
Questions can be asked of yourself, of others or of events and circumstances.
Keep in mind that there are two types of questions that you can ask. Each type will lead you in dramatically opposite directions. So make sure to choose your questions wisely.
Limiting Questions
These questions limit your personal ability and potential. They are riddled with blame, excuses, complaints, regret and fear.
Empowering Questions
These questions expand your personal ability and potential. They are sprinkled with possibility, opportunity and solutions.
The answers to the questions you ask yourself on a daily basis can either come from logic or from your intuitive abilities.
Intuition isn’t completely understood, however in simple terms, it is the ability to use foresight in a way that will lead you to the solutions and answers you are after. The method isn’t important here, it’s the outcome that matters.
Spiritual Connection/Awareness
Intuition is closely tied to the spiritual connection we have with the universe or with God.
Collective Consciousness
It is said that we are all connected at an energy level to a collective consciousness of sorts that allows us to tap into answers and solutions brought about by a collective mind of human knowledge and potential.
Intuition is used as a means of delivering this information into our conscious thought process. However, if we fail to ask the right questions, we will likewise fail to receive the correct answers.
Daily Choices and Decisions
All that has been discussed thus far directs the daily choices and decisions you will make. It is these choices and decisions that ultimately decide your fate and destiny in life.
One decision built on top of the next, slowly but surely culminates together into a snowball effect, which can irrevocably transform your life.
Knowing how to create an effective plan of action will help you immensely in this area.
Perceived Strengths and Weaknesses
Knowingly or unknowingly, you will tend to base your choices and decisions upon the perceived strengths and weaknesses within your character. However, keep in mind that these choices and decisions are not based on your actual strengths and weaknesses, but rather on your perceived strengths and weaknesses. This basically means that you will often make choices based on where you feel your strengths lie in any given situation.
Finally, how you go about perceiving your strengths and weaknesses is often a direct reflection of other people’s opinions and their influence over you.
Choices and decisions that are aligned with your needs, self-concept, values, beliefs, objectives and goals, will naturally create a state of deep and profound motivation that will move you into immediate action.
If for some reason this alignment does not occur, than a state of procrastinationwill ensue.
Better Sleep
The more effective sleep you are able to experience throughout the night, the deeper states of motivation you will develop throughout your day.
Energy and Vitality
The greater sense of energy and vitality you experience, the deeper states of motivation you will be able to cultivate throughout your day.
Weight Management
When you are effective at managing your weight, you will have more energy and motivation to follow your life’s purpose, goals, dreams and objectives.
When you are unclear about the choices and decisions you are about to make, this naturally leads to the state of procrastination.
To overcome procrastination you must have clarity, and you must learn to take control of the pain and pleasure principle of transformation.
Working through Pain & Pleasure
We tend to move away from that which brings us pain, and we tend to move towards those things that bring us great pleasure.
The pain and pleasure principle determines the level of procrastination and motivation you will experience throughout your day as you move towards the attainment of your goals and objectives. This will likewise move you away from instant gratification and into the habit of delayed long-term pleasure.
You must learn to identify and understand your pain and pleasure tendencies and use them to your advantage, rather than having them dictate your daily actions. It is only when you have mastered this principle that you will be ready to move forward towards your goals with accelerated momentum.
Goal Setting
Your daily choices and your mastery over the pain and pleasure principle lead to a collection of goals you tend to set on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
Some of these goals will be set at a conscious level of awareness, while many others will be set at an unconscious level of awareness.
The unconscious goals are the ones that are aligned with your deepest values, beliefs, and convictions. However, they are not always aligned with your best interests, and may not lead you to your conscious objectives.
This is an area of a great conflict of interest that sabotages the success of many motivated and passionate individuals.
How you go about accomplishing these goals is reflected everything that has been discussed up to this point along the journey through the MasterMind Matrix.
Unwavering Commitment
Every goal, choice and decision must be followed by an unwavering commitment to ensure that it is backed with momentum building action.
If your choices and decisions are sketchy, then this will reflect in your hesitant actions, which can further lead to procrastination and stagnation.
Your Actions
These are the actions you take throughout the course of your day.
You must come to understand that every action you take has a set of consequences attached to it that effect you, others, your present circumstances and environment.
At this point along our journey through the MasterMind Matrix we have essentially reached a two way fork in the road. In one direction is the path to bondage and self-destruction. While in the other direction you have the path of freedom and fulfillment.
Which of these two paths you choose to take at any given moment isn’t often a conscious decision, instead it is simply a reflection of the makeup of your unconscious habitual patterns of behavior that have brought you to this point in your life.
In other words, the decisive action you are about to take has already been pre-programmed into your psychological makeup as you have made your way through the MasterMind Matrix.
This is essentially where a lot of people get stuck. They can’t understand why they do what they do and keep sabotaging their own dreams, goals and ambitions.
The solution is to identify where your life is breaking down along the MasterMind Matrix. Once identified, simply work through key strategies, techniques, steps and tools that will help you to stabilize your psychology and move you forward towards your objectives with a greater sense of balance and certainty.
Here is a quick look at the two forks in the road along your journey towards accomplishing your deepest passions and objectives:
Path of Bondage and Self Destruction
This path is riddled with pitfalls, obstacles, dead-ends, and problems that will continue to sabotage your success in surprising and unforgiving ways.
Most people end up stuck on this path for long periods of time throughout their lives — many of whom never find their way. They always wish for better days, and may even hold onto a little hope that things will eventually go their way. However, along this path, hope is futile, and it has no power to dig you out of the pits of despair you have created for yourself. It takes resilient conscious effort to break-out of the habitual patterns that have locked you onto this journey.
You must cultivate a persistent determination to consciously work through each prior stage of the MasterMind Matrix step-by-step if you seek to free yourself from this path once and for all.
No matter who you are, at one point or another along your journey you will face at least one type of fear that will prevent you from taking the actions you have planned. At times it may be a fear of failure, a fear of success, a fear or rejection or criticism. No matter what the fear is, it will rob you of your momentum.
The fears you experience along your journey can indeed be perceived as a terrible emotional experience that will continue to sabotage your journey towards your goals and objectives in unforgiving ways. Yet, on the brighter side, fears are also helpful psychological signals that can point you in the right direction — moving you off the Path of Bondage and onto the Path of Fulfillment.
When fear overwhelms you, and you do not get what you want, you probably have a tendency to make up excuses about your present circumstances.
You will vent your excuses in the form of denial, accusations, judgments, complaints, blame or even doubt your own abilities.
Excuses will just create a greater array of obstacles along your path that will make your journey ever more difficult to manage.
Fears and excuses lead to bouts of negativity and a plethora of limiting emotional experiences that will drain your energy and attract people and events into your life that naturally mimic and mirror the energy you are projecting. This can only lead to further problems that will dig you deeper into the pits of despair.
When you are riddled with negativity, you will tend to see everything in your life as a big, uncontrollable, overwhelming, infinite and expanding problem.
Path of Fulfillment
As you journey along the Path of Fulfillment, you begin to cultivate key qualities, traits and behaviors that will naturally help you overcome any obstacle that stands between you and your objectives.
Some of the qualities you will want to cultivate include persistence, commitment, courage, initiative, determination, responsibility, discipline, faith, gratitude, flexible thought, and delayed gratification.
The Path of Fulfillment is a journey of happiness no matter what obstacles and challenges stand in your way.
Dealing with Challenges
As you progress along the Path of Fulfillment, you will face a continuous array of challenges whose primary purpose is to test your resolve and commitment to your goals.
It’s important to understand that at this point problems are simply unavoidable. However, it is not the magnitude or complexity of the problems we face that will determine our success. It is rather how we deal with these problems that will determine what we experience tomorrow. So accept the fact that you are going to make mistakes and going to fail again and again until you get things right. Failure is a part of the development process that comes as a part of our life experience..
Here are some absolutely critical skills you must master in order to deal with the challenges that life throws your way:
Never Give Up, Never Quit
Cultivate a resilient attitude that will break you through any obstacles that stand in your way.
Opportunity Spotting
Learn how pinpoint and then take advantage of the opportunities that life throws your way.
Stress Management
Discover the essential strategies that will help you manage your stress levels effectively throughout your day.
Problem Solving
Learn how to solve problems in the most proficient way.
Creative Thinking
Develop your capacity to think creatively.
Critical Thinking
Cultivate the indispensable habit of critical thinking in order to gain a deeper and wider understanding of your problems.
6 Thinking Hats
Adopt the six thinking hats approach to problem solving to gain an all encompassing perspective of the challenges you face.
Your Indispensable Life Skills
In order to improve the odds of your successful undertakings, you must also develop a set of indispensable life skills and habits that will help create the momentum you need to achieve your life’s goals and objectives in quick succession.
Accelerated Learning
Discover the dynamics of the critical and indispensable skill of accelerated learning.
Smart Study Habits
Prepare your mind and environment with smart study habits.
7 Intelligences
Learn to make use of your seven intelligences.
Multi-Sensory Learning
Learn to incorporate multi-sensory learning principles.
Speed and PhotoReading
Improve your comprehension, memory and speed of reading.
Mind Mapping Study Skills
Manage the information you are learning more effectively with mind maps.
Memory Enhancement
Rapidly enhance your memory and recall of information with a set of memory enhancement strategies including the memory cottage and by using number associations.
Lifelong Learning
Get into the habit of becoming a lifelong learner.
Time Management
Find more time throughout your day by becoming an effective time manager.
Learn to boost your productivity and learn more about the productivity process.
Simplify and Organize
Begin by simplifying and organizing your life to help clear the clutter and improve your results.
Relationship Management
Discover happiness within your relationships and you will attract happiness into every other aspect of your life.
Also learn more about how to attract love and the art of seduction.
Financial Management
Become a more intelligent financial manager.
Leadership Principles
Become an effective and influential leader in business and life by cultivating indispensable leadership qualities.
Negotiation Skills
Simplify your life by become a brilliant negotiator in business and life.
Persuasive Skills
Get what you want, when you want it and for how ever long you want it by learning the fundamental skills of persuasion.
Networking Skills
Success isn’t so much about what you know but rather who you know. Professional networking strategies will open doors of opportunity that you never knew existed.
Public Speaking Skills
Talking effectively and assertively in public speaking situations could very well be the most important skill that will gain you the respect. It may also help you win friends and influence people.
Other Skills
There are 150+ self-development IQ Matrix maps currently available. There are plenty of topics that haven’t been mentioned here that are just as critical to your success. Check all of them out on the archive page.
Experience + Knowledge + Awareness = Wisdom
The actions you take on a daily basis and the mistakes you make along this journey all lead to experience, which essentially translates to wisdom.
Experiencing events, learning new things along your journey and making mistakes will culminate in a wisdom that will forever change the makeup of your personality.
New Habits Formed
Through the process of experience, knowledge, awareness and wisdom, new habits are formed.
As you work your way through the MasterMind Matrix you essentially become anew and develop unique patterns of behavior that become a natural outcropping of your daily actions and experiences. However, keep in mind, that in many other instances it is not new habits that are formed, but rather old habits that are reconditioned into your psyche — making old patterns of behavior even stronger and more profound within your psychological makeup. This is why it is said that…
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
This is the primary reason why you will not change and your life will stay stagnant.
To continue conditioning the same old and limiting patterns of behavior again and again, is akin to beating your head against a solid brick wall and expecting it to fall down.
Transformation of Personality
You have finally come full circle through the MasterMind Matrix, and hopefully now have a comprehensive understanding of how your personality is shaped and molded by every fragment of this psychological transformational process.
Cycle Repeats Itself
Psychologically on an unconscious level of awareness you are continuously cycling through the MasterMind Matrix hundreds of times per day, if not more. Every full rotation through the MasterMind Matrix builds ever deeper grooves and neural pathways in your brain leading to the formation of ever stronger habits, that irrevocably transform your psychological makeup.
Finally, it is important to realize that everything you do, think, decide, value, believe, say, etc, no matter how big or small can have a dramatic and lasting impact on your mind and your life’s destiny.
Final Thoughts
These are the major building blocks of the MasterMind Matrix, however there is still so much more to this process than what has been revealed here. Over time deeper layers of the MasterMind Matrix will be unveiled until all the pieces of the puzzle are pieced together into one of the most comprehensive and complete self-coaching systems for psychological transformation.